You can try it right now 的中文意思是()A、您可以往右边试试B、您现在就可以用了C、您可以马上试试D、请便

You can try it right now 的中文意思是()

  • A、您可以往右边试试
  • B、您现在就可以用了
  • C、您可以马上试试
  • D、请便


Do you want to try on these shoes to see _______ they’ re the right size? A.asB.soC.thatD.if

– Do you think you’ve got how to go there now? –() (A)That’s right.(B) Who knows!(C) I think so. Thank you very much.(D) You can’t miss it.

—Great! Maybe from now on, I should try to buy goods online. — () A.I think you need to be a little bit slower.B.That’s all right. Whatever!C.Why not? Go ahead. Just give it a try.

-Where()the recorder? I can’t see it anywhere.-I()it right here, but now it’s gone. A、did you put; have putB、have you put; putC、had you put; have putD、were you putting; have put

-- Can I help you with the bag?-- _____A. No, thank you. I can take it myself.B. Thank you.C. Sorry, you can't.D. No, I am all right.

听力原文:M: What should I do with my sight deposit if I need some money right now?W: Oh, that's easy. You can either use the cash dispensers or you can write cheques.Q: What does the man want to have now?(14)A.Cash.B.Sight deposit.C.Cash dispenser.D.Cheque.

You should try to ____conversation with the person on your right or left, but you should not try to talk to someone who is a long way from you.A: get intoB: get out ofC: get offD: get on with

It is necessary that measures _____ taken right now.A: beB: must beC: will beD: can be

Nancy: Could you help me with my physics, please?Cathy: ___________A、No,no way.B、No,I couldn't.C、No,I can't.D、Sorry I can't.I have to go to a meeting right now.

-Hello, may I talk to the headmaster now?-()ASorry, you can’tBNo, you can’tCsorry, he is busy at the moment

Could you help me with English?()ANo, no wayBNo, I couldn't.CNo, I can't.DSorry I can't. I have an appointment right now.

Could you help me with my physics, please?()ANo, no way.BNo, I couldn't.CNo, I can't.DSorry I can't. I have to go to a meeting right now.

Can I help you?的意思是:()?

“Can I help you?”的中文意思是:()。A、要我帮忙吗B、你能帮助我吗C、你好D、对不起

YOU NOW HAVE THE WATCH.的中文翻译是:你现在开始了望。

-Hello, may I talk to the headmaster now?-()A、Sorry, you can’tB、No, you can’tC、sorry, he is busy at the moment

A: Must we finish the work right now? B: No, you()You can do it tomorrow.A、needn'tB、shouldn'tC、mustn'tD、can't

“And now let us begin with lot 1”所表示的中文意思是()。

单选题—Can we please get a new air conditioner for our bedroom?  — ______  —Can’t you see that it’s not working right?ADo you have to repair it?BIt is not very hot in this season.CI also think we should buy a new one.DWhat’s wrong with the one we have now?

单选题Could you help me with English?()ANo, no wayBNo, I couldn't.CNo, I can't.DSorry I can't. I have an appointment right now.

单选题I’ll thin down the()for you right now.AhammerBpulleyCpaintDbridge

单选题A: Must we finish the work right now? B: No, you()You can do it tomorrow.Aneedn'tBshouldn'tCmustn'tDcan't

单选题Larry: Excuse me. I’m trying to find the post office. Can you help me?  Woman: Yes. Let’ see now. Go down this street to the corner.______. Go right on Broadway. Just past the grocery store.  Larry: I see. Straight to the corner, ______.ATurn right until you come to Broadway; Left and then rightBTurn left until you come to Broadway; Left and then rightCTurn left and you can see it; Right and then leftDTurn left and you can see the grocery; Right and then left

单选题—Must I finish my homework now?—No, you ______. You can go home now.Aneedn’tBmustn’tCshouldn’tDcan’t

单选题Could you help me with my physics, please?()ANo, no way.BNo, I couldn't.CNo, I can't.DSorry I can't. I have to go to a meeting right now.

单选题-Hello, may I talk to the headmaster now?-()ASorry, you can’tBNo, you can’tCsorry, he is busy at the moment

问答题Task II (20 marks)  Read the following poem and write an essay in which you discuss its moral and express your personal views.LifeBy Langston HughesLife can be good,Life can be bad,Life is mostly cheerful,But sometimes sad.Life can be dreams,Life can be great thoughts;Life can mean a personSitting in court.Life can be dirty,Life can even be painful;but life is what you make it.So try to make it beautiful.  You should write no less than 160 words. Now write the essay on the Answer Sheet.