非疫区(Pest free area)

非疫区(Pest free area)



发生一类动物疫病时,在封锁期间,禁止非疫区的动物进入疫区。( )此题为判断题(对,错)。

By means of “free verse,” _______ believes that he has turned the poem into an open field, an area of vital possibility where the reader can allow his own imagination to play.A、Emily DickinsonB、Walt WhitmanC、Robert FrostD、Ezra Pound

在OSPF中,路由域存在骨干域和非骨干域,某网络自治区域中共有10个路由域,其区域id为0~9,其中 (58) 为骨干域。A.Area 0B.Area 1C.Area 5D.Area 9

设rear是指向非空带头结点的循环单链表的尾指针,则删除起始结点的操作可表示为( )A.s=rear;B.rear=rear—>next; rear=rear—>next; free(rear); free(s);C.rear=rear—>next—>next;D.s=rear—>next—>next; free(rear); rear—>next—>next=s—>next; free(s);

The free surface effects of a partially full liquid tank decrease with increased ______.A.Density of the liquidB.Placement of the tank above the keelC.Displacement volume of the shipD.Size of the surface area in the tank

This area has been free from Foot - and - Mouth Disease ( ) two years.A. for B. inC. after D. before

英译汉:“nonepizootic area; foot and mouth disease ; heat treatment”,正确的翻译为:( )。A.非疫区;口蹄疫;热处理 B.非疫区;禽流感;黄热病C.隔离区;口蹄疫;热处理 D.隔离区;禽流感;黄热病

在OSPF中,路由域存在骨干域和非骨干域,某网络自治区域中共有10个路由域,其区域id为0~9,其中 ( ) 为骨干域。A.AreA.0B.AreA.1C.AreA.5D.AreA.9


()is the largest free trade area in the area.A、The SAFTAB、The NAFTAC、The EFTAD、The APEC

非疫生产地(Free place of production)

疫区(Quarantine area)

低度流行区(Area of low pest prevalence)

Identify the three predefined server-generated alerts.()A、Drop UserB、Tablespace Space UsageC、Resumable Session SuspendedD、Recovery Area Low On Free SpaceE、SYSTEM Tablespace Size Increment

多选题Identify the three predefined server-generated alerts.()ADrop UserBTablespace Space UsageCResumable Session SuspendedDRecovery Area Low On Free SpaceESYSTEM Tablespace Size Increment

多选题While Monitoring the space usage in your database that is in ARCHIVELOG mode you observed that the flash recovery area does not have enough free space to accommodate any more files and you do not have necessary permissions to add more space to it. Identify the two events that can occur in the event of a log switch?()AAn entry is created in the alert log file and the database instance continues to function normallyBThe log switch hangs occur for transactions until free space is available in the flash recovery areaCThe Oracle database server deletes a file that is on the obsolete file list to make free space in the flash recovery area OracleDThe database instance statusis implicitly changed to RESTRICTED mode and file creations to the flash recovery area are prevented

名词解释题非疫区(Pest free area)

名词解释题非疫生产地(Free place of production)

名词解释题cell-free system(非细胞体系)


多选题While Monitoring the space usage in your database that is in ARCHIVELOG mode you observed   that the flash recovery area does not have enough free space to accommodate any more files and you do not have necessary permissions to add more space to it.  Identify the two events that can occur in the event of a log switch?()AAn entry is created in the alert log file and the database instance continues to function normallyBThe log switch hangs occur for transactions until free space is available in the flash recovery areaCThe Oracle database server deletes a file that is on the obsolete file list to make free space in the flash recovery areaDThe database instance status is implicitly changed to RESTRICTED mode and file creations to the flash recovery area are prevented

单选题An office laser printer is printing lighter in random areas. Which of the following is the EASIEST solution to implement for this issue?()AClean the drum with a computer vacuum.BReplace the toner cartridge.CClean the fuser area with a lint free cloth.DUse a can of compressed air to clean the pickup assembly.

名词解释题低度流行区(Area of low pest prevalence)

单选题Allowance for fresh water refers to().Athe provision to be provided when the vessel sails in fresh water areaBthe fresh water to be carried by a vesselCthe allowance of fresh water for each crew member when in distress at seaDthe amount of free board decreased when sailing in fresh water area

名词解释题疫区(Quarantine area)

单选题()is the largest free trade area in the area.AThe SAFTABThe NAFTACThe EFTADThe APEC