英译汉:“nonepizootic area; foot and mouth disease ; heat treatment”,正确的翻译为:( )。A.非疫区;口蹄疫;热处理 B.非疫区;禽流感;黄热病C.隔离区;口蹄疫;热处理 D.隔离区;禽流感;黄热病

英译汉:“nonepizootic area; foot and mouth disease ; heat treatment”,正确的翻译为:( )。
A.非疫区;口蹄疫;热处理 B.非疫区;禽流感;黄热病
C.隔离区;口蹄疫;热处理 D.隔离区;禽流感;黄热病




This area has been badly destroyed in the earthquake.(英译汉)

Many of the small towns in the area are definitely worth visiting. (英译汉)

word of mouth(英译汉)

What’S the main idea of the passage7A.Laser light treatment of heart disease should take the place of the traditional operatlon.B.Laser light treatment has been proved better and more effective than the traditional operation.C.More advanced technology should be encouraged to try on.D.Laser light treatment of heart disease still needs’more research.

英译汉:“quality; quantify”,正确的翻译为( )。A.质量;重量B.数量;重量 C.质量;数量 D.数量;质量

英译汉:“Brazil”,正确的翻译为(  )。A.巴西B.巴拿马C.比利时D.英国

英译汉:“incident; policy”,正确的翻译为:()。A.意外;保险B.意外事故;保险单 C.分析;外观D.许可;保险费

英译汉:“treatment”,正确的翻译为(  )。A.熏蒸B.除虫C.消毒D.处理

英译汉:“wood furniture; heat treatment”,正确的翻译为( )。A.木家具;电热器 B.木家具;热处理C.木质包装;电热器 D.木质包装;热处理

英译汉:“purchase”,正确的翻译为(  )。A.批发B.销售C.推销D.购买

英译汉“Cargo; cash; charge”,正确的翻译为( )。A.货物;现金;费用 B.现金;费用;货物C.货物;费用;现金 D.费用;货物;现金

This area has been free from Foot - and - Mouth Disease ( ) two years.A. for B. inC. after D. before

汉译英:“检疫”,正确的翻译为( )。 A. inspection B. quarantineC. appraisal D. treatment

英译汉:“second; fifth”,正确的翻译为( )。A.第二;第四 B.第二;第五C.第三;第四 D.第三;第五



单选题Hoof-and-mouth disease was eliminated in the United States by slaughtering affected herds of cattle.AisolatingBtestingCvaccinatingDkilling

单选题Treatment of frostbite includes().Arubbing affected area with ice or snowBrubbing affected area briskly to restore circulationCwrapping area tightly in warm clothsDwarming exposed parts rapidly

单选题The FIRST treatment for a surface burn is to().Awash the burned area with a warm soap and water solutionBflood,bathe,or immerse the burned area in cold waterCcover the burned area with talcum powder and bandag it cover the burned area with talcum powder and bandage it tightlyDleave the burned area exposed to the atmosphere


名词解释题足突病(foot process disease)


单选题When I go to heat the milk, please_____the baby.Akeep an eye onBset foot onCmake a guess atDlook forward to
