WhywouldyouuseWebLogicDiagnosticsFramework(WLDF)insteadofOracleEnterpriseManager(OEM)() A.WLDFhasbetterperformancethanOEMB.myorganizationalreadyhasasolutionforunifiedmanagementandmonitoring;weneedtosupplementthatwithsomespecificWLS-relatedcapabilitiesC.OEMisnotcertifiedwithlatestversionofWLSD.OEMisreallyfocusedonthedatabasetier,isnotmeanttoaddressJEEmanagementandmonitoring
Windows Vista系统里面,OEM采用SLP2.0的验证机制,描述中哪项有错误()A、OEM厂商的出厂机器BIOS里含有该品牌的OEM授权证书的数字签名B、OEM厂商的出厂机器BIOS里含有该品牌的OEMKEY的数字签名C、操作系统里含有所有品牌的OEM授权证书D、安装序列号为对应授权证书版本的OEMKEY
Why would you use WebLogic Diagnostics Framework (WLDF) instead of Oracle Enterprise Manager (OEM) ()A、 WLDF has better performance than OEM B、 my organization already has a solution for unified management and monitoring; we need to supplement that with some specific WLS-related capabilitiesC、 OEM is not certified with latest version of WLSD、 OEM is really focused on the database tier, is not meant to address JEE management and monitoring
Which two statements are true about the Oracle Enterprise Manager (OEM) ?()A、 OEM can do management and monitoring across multiple WLS DomainsB、 OE is a unified solution for management and monitoring across entire architecture - Web Tier, App Tier DB TierC、 OEM is focused solely on Oracle solutions, cannot manage 3rd party productsD、 OEM includes tools to configure the operating system
A customer wants to install a pSeries system into an OEM rack. What critical information is provided in the Site and Hardware Planning Information manual?()A、System dimensions and weight, system power and cooling requirements, and list of supported OEM racksB、System dimensions and weight, list of supported OEM racks, and requirements for installing IBM systems into OEM racksC、System performance specs, system power and cooling requirements, and requirements for installing IBM systems into OEM racksD、System dimensions and weight, system power and cooling requirements, and requirements for installingIBM systems into OEM racks
Vista OEM系统要免激活需要具备哪些条件()A、OEM厂商的出厂机器BIOS里含有该品牌的OEM授权证书的数字签名B、OEM厂商的出厂机器BIOS里含有该品牌的OEM KEY的数字签名C、操作系统里含有对应该品牌的OEM授权证书D、安装序列号为对应授权证书版本的OEM KEY
单选题Why would you use WebLogic Diagnostics Framework (WLDF) instead of Oracle Enterprise Manager (OEM) ()A WLDF has better performance than OEM B my organization already has a solution for unified management and monitoring; we need to supplement that with some specific WLS-related capabilitiesC OEM is not certified with latest version of WLSD OEM is really focused on the database tier, is not meant to address JEE management and monitoring