Which of the following would be the best title for the text?A.Strain of Stress: No Way Out?B.Responses to Stress: Gender DifferenceC.Stress Analysis: What Chemicals SayD.Gender Inequality: Women Under Stress

Which of the following would be the best title for the text?

A.Strain of Stress: No Way Out?

B.Responses to Stress: Gender Difference

C.Stress Analysis: What Chemicals Say

D.Gender Inequality: Women Under Stress


设窗体名称为frmTest,为了在程序代码中将窗体的标题改为"单元考试",其代码应该是(). A.frmTest.Text = 单元考试B.Form1.Text = 单元考试C.frmTest.Title = 等级考试D.Form1.Title = 等级考试

—Which subject do you like______?—I like chemistry than any other one.A. better, betterB. best, betterC. best, bestD. better, best


You’re going to have a quiz ( )by another two in the ( )month. A. followed,followedB. followed,followingC. following,followedD. following,following

阅读下列说明和Visual Basic代码,将应填入(n)处的字句写在对应栏内。[说明]某小型家电超市开发了下面的程序,用以实现商品提货信息的汇总和输出功能。程序的运行界面如下图所示:程序界面包含两个控件数组,分别是提货商品复选框控件数组Check1以及提货数量文本框控件数组Text1(相同下标的复选框和文本框相对应),提货清单的显示由List控件实现,按钮“打印清单”和“清除”分别名为Command1和Command2。[Visual Basic代码]’提货商品复选框的单击事件响应代码Private Sub Check1_Click(Index As Integer)If Check1 (Index). Value = 1 Then (1). SetFocusEnd Sub’按钮“打印清单”的单击事件响应代码Private Sub Command1_Click()Dim i, n, price As Integer, sum As Long, title As Stringsum = 0For i = O To 4Select Case iCase 0: title ="电视机": price = 3580Case 1: title ="微波炉": price = 660Case 2: title ="电冰箱": price = 1850Case 3: title ="DVD": price = 2880Case 4: title ="空调": price = 2500End SelectIf (2)= 1 And Textl(i). Text < > " " Then(3) title Text1(i).Text "台"n = n + Val(Textl(i))sum =(4)End IfNext iIf sum < > 0 Then(3) "共:" n "台," "合计金额:" sum "元。"End IfEnd Sub’按钮“清除”的单击事件响应代码Private Sub Command2_Click()(5)End Sub

请根据网页显示的效果图(如图12-4所示),将HTML文本中(n)处解答填于纸相应的解答栏内。<html><head><!-- TcmplateBeginEditable name="doctitle" --><title>论坛登录注意事项</title><!-- TemplateEndEditable --><meta. http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=-gb2312"><!-- TemplateBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- TemplateEndEditable --><1-- TemplateParam name="Header" type="boolean" value="tme" --><!-- TemplateParam name="this" type="boolean" value="tme" --><!-- TemplateParmn name="UserName" (1) value="textfieldl"--><!-- TemplateParam name="Password" type="text" value="textfieldl" --><!-- TemplateParam name="ButtonName" type="text" value="Submit" --><!-- TemplateParam name="ButtonLabel" type="text" value="Sign In" --><!-- TemplateParam name="FormAction" type="text" value="" --><!-- TemplateParam name="FormMethod" type="text" value="post" --><!-- TemplateParam name="FormName" type="text" value="forml" --><style. type="text/css"><!--.stylel {font-size: 36px;font-weight: bold;}--></style></head><body class="sub"><div align="center"><span class="style1 ">论坛登录注意事项</span><br></div><formame="@@(FormName)@@method="@@(ForrnMethod) @@"action="@@(FormAetion) @@,,><table width="85%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1" class="TitleColor"><tr style="vertical-align: top"><td> <table width="100%" height="290" border="1" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0"><tt class="HeaderColor"><td width="175" style="vertical-align: top"><!-- TemplateBeginEditable name="Title" --><h3 align="center">论坛登录</h3><!-- TemplateEndEditable --></td><td width="437" style="vertical-align: top"><!-- TemplateBeginIf eond="Header" --><!-- TemplateBeginEditable name="Title2" --><h3 align=(2)>注意事项</h3><!-- TemplateEndEditable --><!-- TemplateEndlf--></td></tr><tr style="vertical-align: top"><td height="230" class="TitleColor"><!-- TemplateBeginEditable name="Title3"--><label for="usemame"><strong>用户名称</strong></label><!-- TemplateEndEditable --><br><input id="usemame" name="usemame"type="text"(3)><p> </p><!-- TemplateBeginEditable name="Title4" --><label for="password"><strong>用户密码<input id="password3" name="password" type="password" size="25"></strong></label><!-- TemplateEndEditable --><div align="right"><strong>&nbs

根据下面资料,回答By the time I finished high school, my interest in animals had grown, and I enrolled at a university to study biology. I learned soon enough that studying animals at this level was not in the animals′ best 31 . I remember one midterm exam in 32 each student was handed a large, freshly-killed frog and instructed to dissect (解剖) and mark a set of body parts. I looked at the 33 frog in front of me and was saddened that her life was 34 away for such a slight reason. A year later, in the same lab where I dissected the flog, I performed a small act of animal operation. We were 35 on fruit flies, and it was time to record the distribution of characteristics in their next generation. Flies were kept in small plastic bottles. Counting the number of flies with white or red eyes required first exposing them to ether (乙醚) 36 they could not move. The flies were then spread onto a piece of white paper 37 and counted. When the data collection was complete, the flies had no further use, and our instructions were to put them into a small glass dish of oil at the center of each desk, which was to be their final resting 38 . Once my little pile of flies had been counted, I pushed them off the edge of the paper. As we recorded our data, I kept one eye 39 them. Within minutes the pile was humming (嗡嗡叫) as tiny legs and wings beat their way out of the ether fog. I was extremely excited as they took flight. That was my first step in refusing to conduct scientific research that treated nonhuman life in a (n) 40 way. 第(32)题选A.whatB.thatC.whereD.which

【单选题】关于HTML标签设置属性的基本语法格式,下列选项正确的是()。A.<标签名 属性1="属性值1" 属性2="属性值2" …> 内容 </标签名>B.<title>属性</title>C.<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=gbk" />D.<meta name="author" content="属性" />

Text1.Text = n,该语句是输入语句

下面程序段运行后,m的值为() Dim m, n As Integer m = 5 : n = 20 While m + n <= 100 m = m * 2 n = n + 1 End While TextBox1.Text = m TextBox2.Text = n