● C++ fully supports (73) programming.(73)A. visualB. object-orientedC. logicD. natural language

● C++ fully supports (73) programming.


A. visual

B. object-oriented

C. logic

D. natural language


●Communication networks can be classified in terms of their physical arrangement or (73) Three common (73) are the star,bus,and ring.(73) A.structuresB.topologiesC.protocolsD.frames

● A well-designed system should be(73).①easily understood②reliable③straightforward to implement④straightforward to maintain(73)A.①②B.①③④C.②③④D.①②③④

试题(73)Tool for defining activities is(73).(73)A.Dependency DeterminationB.Precedence Diagramming methodC.Rolling Wave PlanningD.Schedule network Templates

● __(73)__ are the four major activities of software configuration management.①configuration identification ②statement report ③change control④preparation of requirement document ⑤configuration auditing(73)A.①②③④ B.①②④⑤ C.①②③⑤ D.②③④⑤




下列序列中,()是执行第一趟快速排序后所得的序列。A.[27,38,73] 49 [93,18]B.[27,38,93] 49 [18,73]C.[27,38,18] 49 [93,73]D.[93,38,18] 49 [27,73]

月末结转已销A产品成本73,500元,企业应作如下账务处理:A.借:主营业务成本 73,500 贷:库存商品——A产品 73,500B.借:主营业务成本 73,500 贷:原材料——A产品 73,500C.借:库存商品——A产品 73,500 贷:生产成本——A产品 73,500D.借:生产成本--A产品 73,500 贷:库存商品--A产品 73,500E.借:其他业务成本 73,500 贷:原材料——A产品 73,500F.借:主营业务成本 73,500 贷:本年利润 73,500G.借:生产成本--A产品 73,500 贷:制造费用 73,500