The box of bricks hit the man because______.A. the box of bricks was heavier than himB. the box of bricks was lighter than himC. the box of bricks came down too fastD. the man was too careless

The box of bricks hit the man because______.

A. the box of bricks was heavier than him

B. the box of bricks was lighter than him

C. the box of bricks came down too fast

D. the man was too careless


购买债券得到的利息收入是( )A.按劳分配的收入B.按生产要素分配的收入C.剥削收入D.风险收入

急性肾盂肾炎常见的热型为( )。

输血后发生延迟性溶血反应是由于( )A.输入未被发现的抗体B.输入ABO血型不配合的红细胞所致C.细菌污染D.大量输入库存血E.输入低渗液体破坏红细胞所致

脑神经躯体运动核包括( )A.三叉神经运动核B.动眼神经核C.滑车神经核D.面神经核E.舌下神经核

在整个反射弧中,最易出现疲劳的部位是 ( )A.感受器B.传入神经元C.反射中枢中的突触D.效应器E.传出神经元
