Documentary Collection is to be made with the documents to be ( )to the draft.A. enclosedB. attachedC. togetherD. along with

Documentary Collection is to be made with the documents to be ( )to the draft.

A. enclosed

B. attached

C. together

D. along with


She _ the doctor a list of the medical items she needed. A.made … write outB.makes … writes outC.made … wroteD.had made … written

A decision must be ______immediately _______stop the factory ______waste water without being treated.A. made, to, pouringB. made,不填, to pourC. done,不填, pouringD. had, to, to pour

My grandfather goes to see two________ (documentary) every month.

When there is no indication of damage to the ______ , a bill of lading is said to be ______.A.documents.., clearB.goods.., clearC.documents.., cleanD.goods.., clean

Documents()with chemicals will not become yellow with age. A、treatingB、treatsC、be treateD、treated

Most of the environmental problems are man-made.()

I ()supper when I()someone knocking at the door.A、made . . . HeardB、made . . .was heardC、was making . . . was hearingD、was making . . . heard

肠外营养的英文缩写是( )。A.TPNB.ENC.PND.EDE.TNA

On the Internet, users can share( )and communicate with each other.A.process B.tasks C.resources D.documents
