()the ABS, our car would crash on the highway.A、Above allB、Owe toC、WithD、But for

()the ABS, our car would crash on the highway.

A、Above all

B、Owe to


D、But for


Mental health problems were identified by the presence of symptoms generally associatted( ) major depression, manior and other mental problems. . A、byB、toC、withD、in

Not knowing what to reply()such a question,we kept slient. A、/B、toC、withD、on

The less able children reacted badly ___________ criticism. A. byB. toC. withD. against

We _______ that important new discovery _______ Albert Einstein. A. owe⋯forB. owe⋯toC. own⋯forD. own⋯to

We_____it_____MarconiandBellthatwecantalktopeopleontheothersideoftheglobeovertheradio. A.own...forB.owe...toC.own...toD.owe...for

Their thoughts seem to be ___ the more sober kind.A: inB: toC: withD: of

What we think of as music depends______ where we live.A、onB、toC、withD、at

We are responsible() the care and well-being of patients. A、forB、toC、withD、about


It is obvious how bad movies will impact ________ children. A. on B. to C. with D. in