Their thoughts seem to be ___ the more sober kind.A: inB: toC: withD: of

Their thoughts seem to be ___ the more sober kind.

A: in

B: to

C: with

D: of


Mental health problems were identified by the presence of symptoms generally associatted( ) major depression, manior and other mental problems. . A、byB、toC、withD、in

Not knowing what to reply()such a question,we kept slient. A、/B、toC、withD、on

The less able children reacted badly ___________ criticism. A. byB. toC. withD. against


She is very strict ______ her children.A、inB、 ofC、withD、by

Your quotation()Washing Machines is too high to be workable. A、inB、againstC、withD、of

What we think of as music depends______ where we live.A、onB、toC、withD、at


It is obvious how bad movies will impact ________ children. A. on B. to C. with D. in