Moreover, you should also find ____ the best time of year to go.
Moreover, you should also find ____ the best time of year to go.
【问题4】(3 分)note.bat脚本文件如下:time /t note.lognetstat -n -p tcp | find ″:3389″ note.logstart Explorer第一行代码用于记录用户登录的时间, “time /t” 的意思是返回系统时间, 使用符号 “”把这个时间记入“note.log”作为日志的时间字段。请解释下面命令的含义。netstat -n -p tcp | find ″:3389″ note.log
A: Have you seen my camera? I can't find it.B: Just now I have seen it. You_____ have put it in the bag.A. mustB. wouldC. should
note-bat脚本文件如下:time/t>>note.lognetstat -n -p tcp | find ":3389">>note.logstart Explorer第一行代码用于记录用户登录的时间,“time/t”的意思是返回系统时间,使用符号“>>”把这个时间记入“note.log”作为日志的时间字段。请解释下面命令的含义。netstat -n -p tcp | find ":3389">>note.log
3、You: 3 __________________? (噢,真的吗?怎么有趣?) Jane: By chatting with keypals (网络笔友), you can know a lot of new friends. Also, you can learn many funny abbreviations.