We ______ a copy of the statement for your reference. A enclose ;B encircle ;C enrich

We ______ a copy of the statement for your reference.

A enclose ;

B encircle ;

C enrich


7. Hi! This is_______ new teacher.__________ name is Linda.A. your; MyB. his; YourC. your ; HerD. her; His

Nice to meet____(your).

Ours is finer than ( ). A、yours or hisB、yours or himC、your's or hisD、you or he

My opinions are similar to ___. A.youB.yourC.yoursD.your's

What's ( )job? Are ( ) British?A. your, yourB. you, yourC. your, you

( ) – Is Miss White __________ English teacher, Maria?– No, she teaches __________ geography.A.your;myB.you;mineC.you;usD.your;us

48.A. myB. hisC. theirD. your



3.下列选项中,关于Statement描述错误的是() A: Statement是用来执行SQL语句的 B: Statement是PreparedStatement的子接口 C: 获取Statement实现需要使用Connection的createStatement()方法 D: PreparedStatement能使用参数占位符,而Statement不行A.A B C DB.A B C DC.A B C DD.A B C D