With the rapid economic growth in China, the logistics industry is ()greatlyA、 expandingB、 exploringC、 exploding

With the rapid economic growth in China, the logistics industry is ()greatly

A、 expanding

B、 exploring

C、 exploding


Rent, economic(or pure economic rent) 经济租或纯经济租

( ) are learned at our school. A、Economics, mathematics and physicsB、Economics, mathematics and physicC、Economic, mathematics and physicsD、Economic, mathematic and physics

The pace of () growth is picking up.A. economyB. economicalC. economic

以下()是Logistics与PhysicalDistribution的不同点。 A.Logistics与Distribution是一致的B.Logistics与PhysicalDistribution是一样的C.Logistic从产品出厂开始到产品销售出去为止D.Logistics突破了商品流通的范围.把物流活动扩大到生产领域

In the 1970s among the developed countries, Britain maintained the lowest _____ rate and the highest _____ rate. A.inflation, growthB.growth, inflationC.growth, divorceD.growth, birth

It is true that until very recently the general view was that social security “represented a type of luxury and was essentially anti-economic.” It was seen as merely government expenditure for the needy.

Although this child is only sixteen years old,he is so( )hundred dollars.A.thriftyB.economicalC.financialD.economic

It′s bad policy for developing countries to sacrifice environmental protection to__________economic?growth.A.discourageB.weakenC.promoteD.create
