China Red Sandalwood Museum is ( ) museum in China.A. first privateB. largest privateC. first publicD. largest public

China Red Sandalwood Museum is ( ) museum in China.

A. first private

B. largest private

C. first public

D. largest public



I work in a little room off the main entrance _____ museum, checking coats and other articles which people do not want to carry around as they tour the building.A:toB:ofC:atD:for

在php5中如何让类中的某些方法无法在类的外部被访问?() A.把类声明为privateB.把方法声明为privateC.无法实现D.编写合适的重载方法(overloadingmethoD.

执行下列程序,显示的结果是______。first="china"second=""a=LEN(first)i=aDO WHILE i>=1second=second+SUBSTR(first,i,1)i=i-1ENDDO?second

You need to calculate the total of all salaries in the accounting department. Which group function should you use? () A. MAXB. MINC. SUMD. COUNTE. TOTALF. LARGEST

有下列声明语句 char s[6][10]={"China's", "first", "football", "textbooks", "for","schools"}; char *p[5],(*q)[10],*r; 下列哪个赋值语句是不正确的?A.p=s ;B.q=s ;C.r=s[0][0] ;D.p[0]=s[0];


13、list1 = ['red',1,2,3,'red',56] 要把 "red" 从list1 中移除的语句是什么?A.list1.remove("red")B.list1.remove(red)C.list1.removeAll("red")D.list1.removeOne("red")


下列哪种动物被誉为“中国国宝“() Which of the following animals is known as "China's national treasure"A.大熊猫PandaB.金丝猴Golden MonkeyC.丹顶鹤Red-crowned craneD.梅花鹿Sika deer