Tom was born _________ . A. inthelatesixtysB. onthelatesixtyC. inthelatesixtiesD. inlatesixties

Tom was born _________ .

A. inthelatesixtys

B. onthelatesixty

C. inthelatesixties

D. inlatesixties


Ben: Hi, Tom. Want to go and play bowling tonight?Tom: _________When and where shall we meet?A. It's smartB. Sounds goodC. It is possibleD. Looks good

Dialogue one Tom: Do you go to college?Mike: Yes. __1__Tom: What college do you go to?Mike: I go to Pasadena City College.Tom: Do you like it?Mike: Oh, yes. __2__Tom: why do you like it?Mike: Because it has great teachers.Tom: __3__Mike: I like all my classmates, too.Tom: Anything else? Mike: Yes. __4__A. It’s not expensive!B. You bet.C. I think I do.D. what else?1______2______3______4______请帮忙给出每个问题的正确答案和分析,谢谢!

If the period between twenty and thirty is the critical one in the formation of intellectual and professional habits, the period below twenty is more important still for the fixing of personal habits, properly so called, such as vocalization and pronunciation, gesture, motion, and address. Hardly ever is a language learned after twenty spoken without a foreign accent. Hardly, ever, indeed, can he even learn to dress like a gentleman-born. Hardly ever, indeed, no matter how much money there be in his pocket, can he eve n learn to dress like a gentleman-born.

Philip: Hello! Is that you, Tom?Tom: Yes, (56)Philip: I can't believe I (57) you at last. And what have you been doing?Tom: Yeah, I haven't been home a lot lately. And I've had a lot of work and social engagements. Oh,Philip, (58) to London?Philip: I just came back about a week ago, I (59) by phone several times, but you were not in.Tom: Sorry, Sorry. Did you have a nice holiday, then?Philip: Lovely. I went to Scotland and traveled around.Tom: (60) ! I need a holiday indeed.Philip: Well, I suppose so.Tom: Oh , somebody's at the door. I have to go. And I have to say " good-bye'. Nice talking to you.Philip: Same here, bye-bye.56.A. when did you get backB. What a surprise I gotC. How I admire youD. I am TomE. got hold ofF. got throughG. this is TomH. tried to contact you

Tom家的ADSLModem在每次电话摘、挂机时,都会发生Modem同步中断继而重新同步的现象,Tom很苦恼。以下解释中最合理的是()。 A.Tom家的电话是无绳电话B.Tom家没有使用分离器C.Tom家的ADSLModem中PVC配置经常丢失D.Tom使用的拨号软件和Windows操作系统兼容性不好

提示:Tom和Lester两人正在聊天,彼此问对方上一个周末是怎样度过的。Tom说他上星期六晚上同Si咖一道吃了饭,而Lester说他星期l3去电影院看了一场电影。Tom:51Lester:Not bad.What about you?Tom:Not bad,either.What did you do last weekend?Lester:Well,52Tom:Oh,53Lester:The Lion King.Tom:Oh,really?54Lester:Yes,it was goo

用 Born-Haber 循环可计算BN晶格能。


关于以下代码说法正确的是(_____)。 class Student: def language(self): print ("All the students like Python") class Mary(Student): def work(self): print("Mary is programming") class Tom(Student): def language(self): print("Tom likes JAVA") mary = Mary() tom = Tom()A.mary.language()会打印出All the students like PythonB.tom.language()会打印出All the students like会打印出Tom is programmingD.tom.language()会打印出Tom likes JAVA

2、晶格振动有解的边界条件是波恩—卡曼(Born-Von Karman)条件。