Stokes law:
Stokes law:
Tylor defined culture as“…that complex whole which includes belief, art, morals, law, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society.”
The thief snatched both John's ( ) handbags. A、mother-in-law’s and his sister-in-law'sB、mother’s-in-law’s and his sister's-in-law’sC、mother’s-in-law and his sister’s-in-lawD、mother-in-laws’ and his sister-in-laws’
A seaman may not make an allotment to his ______.A.minor childrenB.grandparentsC.brotherD.mother-in-law
Were both your () cars ticketed on the same day?Asister-in-law’sBsisters’-in-lawCsisters-in-law’sDsister’s-in-law
写出 Stokes公式,并结合Stokes公式讨论如何延缓混悬微粒沉降速率。