下列哪句销售语言是恰当的?() A.“您还是别一味追名牌,其实那个牌子的时装做工并不如我们这个牌子的。”B.“我觉得你个子不高,不适合穿长裙,不如试试这款及膝裙?”C.“您这是听谁说的?他们的话您怎么能信呢?”D.“您能告诉我为什么您会有这样的想法呢?”
4、如果客户在还盘中表示“You price is too high for us to work on.”你在准备回复时,下列哪句表述是不恰当的?A.Thank you for your feedback#B.I am sorry to hear that you think the price is too high#C.The price is based on MOQ. If you can increase the quantity up to 1,000 units, we are willing to cut the price to US$ 10#D.It is unfair to say that our price is high. Our product quality is the best
下列哪句是“请注意信用证的条款应该与销售合同的条款完全相符”的正确英文翻译:A.Please see it that the L/C stipulations are in exact accordance with the terms of S/C.B.Please see that the L/C stipulations are in exact accordance with the terms of S/C.C.Please see that the L/C stipulations are in exact agreement with the terms of S/C.D.Please see to it that the L/C stipulations are in exact accordance with the terms of S/C.
下列哪句短语是“信用证正本”?A.L/C draftB.L/C stipulationsC.L/C originalD.L/C origin