The accompanying thing of better housing and working conditions in Europe is the longer life of the population:(). A.necessityB. associationC.

The accompanying thing of better housing and working conditions in Europe is the longer life of the population:().


B. association

C. concomitant


9.Which do you like _________ ,Beijing _________ Shanghai?A. better,orB. best,orC. better,andD. best,and

—Which subject do you like______?—I like chemistry than any other one.A. better, betterB. best, betterC. best, bestD. better, best

The _better_ (good) he feels, the more work he will do

Today we know more about ______. We’re better at preventing illness.A: medicineB: pollutionC: environmentD: population


A ___ (救生圈) should be located on the

( )A.badB.worseC.goodD.better

下面程序段的执行结果为______。 import tensorflow as tf boston_housing= tf.keras.datasets.boston_housing (train_x,train_y),(test_x,test_y)= boston_housing.load_data(test_split=0.1) print("Training set:", len(train_x)) print("Testing set:", len(test_x))A.Training set: 404 Testing set: 102B.Training set: 51 Testing set: 455C.Training set: 102 Testing set: 404D.Training set: 455 Testing set: 51


8、下面程序段的执行结果为______。 import tensorflow as tf boston_housing= tf.keras.datasets.boston_housing (train_x,train_y),(test_x,test_y)= boston_housing.load_data(test_split=0.1) print("Training set:", len(train_x)) print("Testing set:", len(test_x))A.Training set: 404 Testing set: 102B.Training set: 51 Testing set: 455C.Training set: 102 Testing set: 404D.Training set: 455 Testing set: 51