it was said that christianity was introduced into ireland by________.A. Brian BoruB. Saint PatrickC. the VikingsD. the Normans

it was said that christianity was introduced into ireland by________.

A. Brian Boru

B. Saint Patrick

C. the Vikings

D. the Normans


The word “Ireland” is used ambiguously to mean both the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

Robert Burns came from ________. A.EnglandB.WalesC.ScotlandD.Ireland

[ A] introduced[ B] persuaded[ C] associated[ D] stimulated

the death blow to the irish language was__________.A. the British colonial ruleB. Ireland’S accession to the EUC. the Great FamineD. the independence of Ireland

My friend __________ John to me yesterday. A.greetedB.visitedC.metD.introduced

请在(18)处填上最佳答案。[A] presented[B] restricted[C] recommended[D] introduced

There are _ consonant clusters辅音连缀 in the sentence “Brian, I appreciate beautiful scarf you brought me.” A. two B. three C. four D. five

__ is the home of golf.A.EnglanD.B.ScotlanD.C.WalesD.IrelanD.

社会责任国际标准体系简称为( )。A.SAI8000 B.SAI8001 C.SAI8002 D.SA8000

( )is said to be the home ofgolf. A.England B.Scotland C.Wales D.Ireland