the obvious change over the past decades is the decline of the authority of the roman catholic church. ()

the obvious change over the past decades is the decline of the authority of the roman catholic church. ()



(ii) authority; (3 marks)

The pressure of too much homework has led to an evident _______ among the students.A. shortageB. minimumC. refusalD. decline


A) still lateB) too lateC) so lateD) past

The advertisement for the security guard position says that applicants must be able to remain __________ for six hours straight.A. alert B. observableC. discoveredD. obvious

One of the more__________ results of the price increase was an initial drop in sales.A.confusingB.beneficialC.respectedD.obvious

Since 1945,the UK economy has experienced()decline rather than()decline.

【单选题】在一个表单中,如果想要给输入框添加一个输入验证,可以用下面的哪个事件实现?()A.hover(over ,out)B.keypress(fn)C.change()D.change(fn)

【单选题】在一个表单中, 如果想要给输入框添加一个输入验证, 可以用下面的哪个事件实现?A.hover(over ,out)B.keypress(fn)C.change()D.change(fn)