()the expansion of international trade, the container service has become popular.A. ForB. LikeC. With

()the expansion of international trade, the container service has become popular.

A. For

B. Like

C. With


Reserves,international 国际储备

May your country______(become)prosperous and powerful.

She needed a police escort to take her to _______ the prize. A.communicateB.claimC.calculateD.become

a back of infirmity:(). A.confirmationB. disablityC. soundnessD.expansion

膨胀率(percentage of bed-expansion)(名词解释)

Whichfouraretrue?() A.Has-arelationshipsshouldneverbeencapsulated.B.Has-arelationshipsshouldbeimplementedusinginheritance.C.Has-arelationshipscanbeimplementedusinginstancevariables.D.Is-arelationshipscanbeimplementedusingtheextendskeyword.E.Is-arelationshipscanbeimplementedusingtheimplementskeyword.F.Anarrayoracollectioncanbeusedtoimplementaone-to-manyhas-arelationship.G.TherelationshipbetweenMovieandActressisanexampleofanis-arelationship.

以下程序的输出结果是_____。 include class object {private:int val; public:objec 以下程序的输出结果是_____。include<iostream.h>class object{ private:int val;public:object( ) ;object(int i) ;~object( ) ;};object: :object( ){ val=0;cout < < "Default constructor for object" < < endl;}object: :object(int i){ val=i;cout < < "Constructor for object" < < val < < endl;}object: :~object( ){ cout < < "Destructor for object" < < val < < endl;}class container{ private:object one;object two;int data;public:container( ) ;container(int i,int j,int k) ;~container( ) ;};container: :container( ){ data=0;cout < < "Default constructor for container" < < endl;}container: :container(int i,int j,int k) :two(i) ,one(j){ data=k;cout < < "Constructor for container" < < endl;}container: :~container( ){ cout < < "Destructor for container" < < endl;}void main( ){ container anObj(5,6,10) ;}


