The little valley beneath the ivy-covered hills became ______ with white shirts.A: dotB: dottedC: dottingD: dots

The little valley beneath the ivy-covered hills became ______ with white shirts.

A: dot

B: dotted

C: dotting

D: dots


Kitty has__________ (little) milk of the three.

Little __________that I would one day take part in a war that would last for six years.A. I knewB. I knowC. would I knowD. did I know

The longer they listen to him, the (little) ( ) they like him.

Why don’t you have ()bread? A、anyB、someC、little

Today, many cultures divide music______ art music and music of the people.A、fromB、intoC、overD、beneath

Which of the following is the correct pin out for T568B?() A. Orange/white, orange, green/white, blue, blue/white, green, brown/white, brownB. Blue, blue/white, orange/white, orange, brown/white, brown, green/white, greenC. Green/white, green, orange/white, blue, blue/white, orange, brown/white, brownD. Orange/white, orange, brown/white, brown, green/white, green, blue, blue/white

[A] beneath [B] from [C] under [D] beyond


