There was no use ____ a dam where there was no water.A: to buildB: buildC: to buildingD: building

There was no use ____ a dam where there was no water.

A: to build

B: build

C: to building

D: building


一般PlANetEET格式电子地图可以有()信息 A.ClutteR、veRCtoRB.ClutteR、veRCtoR、heightClutteR、veRCtoR、height、buildiNg、txtD.ClutteR、veRCtoR、height、buildiNg

关于事故分类中的DAM,哪项说法是不正确的?() A.它的完整写法是Damageinc identB.它指的是财产损失事件C.DAM事件中肯定也伴随其他伤害事故的发生D.DAM事件属于负面HSSE指标


They ___a new house at the foot of the hill last year. A.BuildB. builtC.buildsD. was building

She ____ till four or five in the morning to get all the clothes ready for her son’s wedding. A、recoverB、buildC、sewedD、depend

Software Engineering is best described as ( ).A.the practice of designing, building, and maintaining off-the-shelf software from prefabricated partsB.the practice of designing, building, and maintaining ad-hoc software without the use of formal methodsC.the practice of designing, building, and maintaining reliable and cost-effective software using standard techniquesD.the practice of designing, building, and maintaining fast and flexible software specifically for engineering applications

It took us a long time to mend the house.A:build B:destroy C:design D:repair

It took us a long time to mend the old church.A:build B:destroyC:design D:repair

It took them a long time to mend the old bridge.A:build B:destroyC:design D:repair