(b) Briefly describe the five extreme scores identified by Blake and Mouton. (5 marks)
(b) Briefly describe the five extreme scores identified by Blake and Mouton. (5 marks)
In relation to the courts’ powers to interpret legislation, explain and differentiate between:(a) the literal approach, including the golden rule; and (5 marks)(b) the purposive approach, including the mischief rule. (5 marks)
In the situation comedy,a traditional format for television shows,the same characters appear repeatedly in humorous episodes.A: respectivelyB: again and again C:simultaneouslyD: briefly
在C语言中,如何利用表达式表示非正常考试成绩(即,不在[0,100]区间内)? 设scores为整型变量。A.0<=scores<=100B.scores>=0||scores<=100C.scores<0scores>100D.scores<0||scores>100
以下关于Python自带数据结构的运算结果中正确的是哪一项?A..scores = {'Jack': 90, 'Mike': 80, 'Jay': 85, 'Bill': 60}; del scores['Bill']; len(scores)的结果是6。B.scores = {'Jack': 90, 'Mike': 80, 'Jay': 85, 'Bill': 60}; s = dict(Jack=90, Mike=80, Jay=85, Bill=60); 则scores == s 判断结果是False。C.scores = {'Jack': 90, 'Mike': 80, 'Jay': 85, 'Bill': 60}; 无法执行命令 scores['Bill']=90; 因为原来的字典中已经有了一个值为90了。D.scores = {'Jack': 90, 'Mike': 80, 'Jay': 85, 'Bill': 60}; sorted(scores.keys())的运算结果是 ['
4、下列能实现将shape为dtype[5,7] 的scores数组所有元素都加10的语句是________。A.scores + 10B.np.add(scores, 10)C.scores[10].add(10)D.scores + [10,10,10,10,10,10,10]
以下关于Python自带数据结构的运算结果中正确的是哪一项?A.scores = {'Jack': 90, 'Mike': 80, 'Jay': 85, 'Bill': 60}; del scores['Bill']; len(scores)的结果是6。B.scores = {'Jack': 90, 'Mike': 80, 'Jay': 85, 'Bill': 60}; s = dict(Jack=90, Mike=80, Jay=85, Bill=60); 则scores == s 判断结果是False。C.scores = {'Jack': 90, 'Mike': 80, 'Jay': 85, 'Bill': 60}; 无法执行命令 scores['Bill']=90; 因为原来的字典中已经有了一个值为90了。D.scores = {'Jack': 90, 'Mike': 80, 'Jay': 85, 'Bill': 60}; sorted(scores.keys())的运算结果是 ['B
下列能实现将shape为dtype[5,7] 的scores数组所有元素都加10的语句是________。A.scores + 10B.np.add(scores, 10)C.scores[10].add(10)D.scores + [10,10,10,10,10,10,10]
以下关于Python自带数据结构的运算结果中正确的是哪一项A.scores = {'Jack': 90, 'Mike': 80, 'Jay': 85, 'Bill': 60}; del scores['Bill']; len(scores)的结果是6。B.scores = {'Jack': 90, 'Mike': 80, 'Jay': 85, 'Bill': 60}; s = dict(Jack=90, Mike=80, Jay=85, Bill=60); 则scores == s 判断结果是False。C.scores = {'Jack': 90, 'Mike': 80, 'Jay': 85, 'Bill': 60}; 无法执行命令 scores['Bill']=90; 因为原来的字典中已经有了一个值为90了。D.scores = {'Jack': 90, 'Mike': 80, 'Jay': 85, 'Bill': 60}; sorted(scores.keys())的运算结果是 ['B
9、下列能实现将shape为dtype[5,7] 的scores数组所有元素都加10的语句是________。A.scores + 10B.np.add(scores, 10)C.scores[10].add(10)D.scores + [10,10,10,10,10,10,10]