(b) Advise the management of SCC Ltd of THREE strategies that should be considered in order to improve thefuture performance of SCC Ltd. (6 marks)
(b) Advise the management of SCC Ltd of THREE strategies that should be considered in order to improve the
future performance of SCC Ltd. (6 marks)
(e) Briefly provide five reasons to the management of Bailey’s why financial rewards could be considered to improve motivation. (5 marks)
(c) (i) State the date by which Thai Curry Ltd’s self-assessment corporation tax return for the year ended30 September 2005 should be submitted, and advise the company of the penalties that will be due ifthe return is not submitted until 31 May 2007. (3 marks)(ii) State the date by which Thai Curry Ltd’s corporation tax liability for the year ended 30 September 2005should be paid, and advise the company of the interest that will be due if the liability is not paid until31 May 2007. (3 marks)
(c) Discuss the ethical and social responsibilities of the Beth Group and whether a change in the ethical andsocial attitudes of the management could improve business performance. (7 marks)Note: requirement (c) includes 2 professional marks for development of the discussion of the ethical and socialresponsibilities of the Beth Group.
2 The risk committee at Southern Continents Company (SCC) met to discuss a report by its risk manager, StephanieField. The report focused on a number of risks that applied to a chemicals factory recently acquired by SCC in anothercountry, Southland. She explained that the new risks related to the security of the factory in Southland in respect ofburglary, to the supply of one of the key raw materials that experienced fluctuations in world supply and also anenvironmental risk. The environmental risk, Stephanie explained, was to do with the possibility of poisonousemissions from the Southland factory.The SCC chief executive, Choo Wang, who chaired the risk committee, said that the Southland factory was importantto him for two reasons. First, he said it was strategically important to the company. Second, it was important becausehis own bonuses depended upon it. He said that because he had personally negotiated the purchase of the Southlandfactory, the remunerations committee had included a performance bonus on his salary based on the success of theSouthland investment. He told Stephanie that a performance-related bonus was payable when and if the factoryachieved a certain level of output that Choo considered to be ambitious. ‘I don’t get any bonus at all until we reacha high level of output from the factory,’ he said. ‘So I don’t care what the risks are, we will have to manage them.’Stephanie explained that one of her main concerns arose because the employees at the factory in Southland were notaware of the importance of risk management to SCC. She said that the former owner of the factory paid less attentionto risk issues and so the staff were not as aware of risk as Stephanie would like them to be. ‘I would like to get riskawareness embedded in the culture at the Southland factory,’ she said.Choo Wang said that he knew from Stephanie’s report what the risks were, but that he wanted somebody to explainto him what strategies SCC could use to manage the risks.Required:(a) Describe four strategies that can be used to manage risk and identify, with reasons, an appropriate strategyfor each of the three risks mentioned in the case. (12 marks)
Required:(iii) A firm of consultants has offered to undertake a study on behalf of Envico Ltd which will provide perfectinformation regarding seminar attendance during the forthcoming year.Advise the management of Envico Ltd with regard to the maximum amount that they should pay toconsultants for perfect information regarding seminar attendance and comment briefly on the use ofperfect information in such decisions. (5 marks)
(c) At a recent meeting of the board of directors, the managing director of Envico Ltd said that he considered itessential to be able to assess the ‘value for money’ of each seminar. He suggested that the quality of the speakersand the comfort of the seminar rooms were two assessment criteria that should be used in order to assess the‘value for money’ of each seminar.Required:Discuss SIX separate and distinct assessment criteria (including those suggested by the managing director),that would enable the management of Envico Ltd to assess the ‘value for money’ of each seminar.(6 marks)
(b) Identify and explain THREE approaches that the directors of Moffat Ltd might apply in assessing theQUALITATIVE benefits of the proposed investment in a new IT system. (6 marks)
(ii) Explain THREE strategies that might be adopted in order to improve the future prospects of DiverseHoldings Plc. (6 marks)
(e) Briefly discuss FOUR initiatives that management might consider in order to further enhance profitability.(4 marks)
(ii) Comment briefly on how divisional managers might respond to the results achieved and ONE potentialproblem that might be experienced by Our Timbers Ltd. (2 marks)
(ii) Comment briefly on the use of its own tree plantations as a source of raw materials by Our Timbers Ltd.(3 marks)
5 A management accounting focus for performance management in an organisation may incorporate the following:(1) the determination and quantification of objectives and strategies(2) the measurement of the results of the strategies implemented and of the achievement of the results through anumber of determinants(3) the application of business change techniques, in the improvement of those determinants.Required:(a) Discuss the meaning and inter-relationship of the terms (shown in bold type) in the above statement. Youranswer should incorporate examples that may be used to illustrate each term in BOTH profit-seekingorganisations and not-for-profit organisations in order to highlight any differences between the two types oforganisation. (14 marks)
(b) (i) Advise the directors of GWCC on specific actions which may be considered in order to improve theestimated return on their investment of £1,900,000. (8 marks)
(b) Explain THREE problems in undertaking a performance comparison of GBC and TTC and also explain THREEitems of additional information that would be of assistance in assessing the operating and financialperformance of GBC and TTC. (6 marks)
(ii) Briefly discuss THREE disadvantages of using EVA? in the measurement of financial performance.(3 marks)
(ii) The percentage change in revenue, total costs and net assets during the year ended 31 May 2008 thatwould have been required in order to have achieved a target ROI of 20% by the Beetown centre. Youranswer should consider each of these three variables in isolation. State any assumptions that you make.(6 marks)
(c) Advise Alan on the proposed disposal of the shares in Mobile Ltd. Your answer should include calculationsof the potential capital gain, and explain any options available to Alan to reduce this tax liability. (7 marks)
(b) Identify the most appropriate approved share option scheme for Happy Home Ltd. Outline the schemerequirements and the tax benefits of using it compared to the current unapproved scheme. (6 marks)
(ii) Briefly outline the tax consequences for Henry if the types of protection identified in (i) were to beprovided for him by Happy Home Ltd compared to providing them for himself. You are not required todiscuss the corporation tax (CT) consequences for Happy Home Ltd. (4 marks)
(c) On the assumption that the administrators of Noland’s estate will sell quoted shares in order to fund theinheritance tax due as a result of his death, calculate the value of the quoted shares that will be available totransfer to Avril. You should include brief notes of your treatment of the house and the shares in Kurb Ltd.(9 marks)Note: you should assume that the tax rates and allowances for the tax year 2006/07 apply throughout thisquestion.
(c) State the specific inquiries you should make of Robson Construction Co’s management relevant to itsaccounting for construction contracts. (6 marks)
Which configuration should be done in order to improve the performance of the Cisco Unified Wireless IP Phone 7921G in a WLAN infrastructure?()A、enable aggressive load balancingB、enable coverage hole detectionC、disable dynamic transmit power controlD、enable short preamble
You are designing a forest and domain structure to address the concerns of Contoso, Ltd., and to meet the business and technical requirements. You want to use the minimum number of domains and forests that are required. Which domain structure should you use?()A、One forest and two domains.B、One forest and three domains.C、One forest and four domains.D、Two forests and three domains.E、Two forests and four domains.