I ( )the picture last month/five days ago. A.paintedB.have paintedC.had paintedD.was painting

I ( )the picture last month/five days ago.


B.have painted

C.had painted

D.was painting


to, I, how, last, winter, skate, learned__________________________________________________________________________.

听力原文:W: Good morning, sir. What can I do for you?M: Yes. I'd like to have a single room with a bath from the morning of September 7th to the morning of October 10th.How long will the man stay in this hotel?A.Just one month,B.32 days.C.33 days.D.34 days.

有以下程序include using namespace std;static int days[]= { 31,28,31,30,31,30,31 有以下程序 #include <iostream> using namespace std; static int days[]= { 31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31 }; class date { private: int month, day, year; public: date( int m, int d, int y ) { month = m; day = d; year = y; } date() {} void disp() { cout<<year<<"-"<<month<<"-"<<day<<end1; } date operator+( int day ) { date dt = *this; day+= dt.day; while ( day > days[dt.month - 1 ] ) { day -= days[ dt.month - 1 ]; if ( ++dt.month == 13 ) { dt.month = 1; dt.year++; } } dt.day = day; return dt; }; int main() { date d1( 6, 20, 2004 ), d2; d2: d1 + 20; d2.disp(); return 0; } 执行后的输出结果是A.2004-7-10B.2004-6-20C.2004-7-20D.程序编译时出错

有以下程序:includeusingnamespacestd;staticintdays[]={31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30 有以下程序: #include <iostream> using namespace std; static int days[]={ 31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31 }; class date { private: int month,day,year; public: date( int m,int d,int y ) { month = m; day = d; year = y; } date() {} void disp() { cout<<year<<"-"<<month<<"-"<<day<<end1; } date operator+( iht day ) { date dt = * this; day += dt.day; while ( day > days[ dt.month - 1 ] ) { day -= days[ dt.month - 1 ]; if ( ++dt.month == 13 ) { dt.month = 1; dt.year++; } } dt.day = day; return dt; } }; int main() { date dl( 6, 20, 2004 ), d2; d2 = dt + 20; d2.disp(); return 0; } 执行后的输出结果是( )。A.2004-7-10B.2004-6-20C.2004-7-20D.程序编译时出错

有以下程序includeusing namespace std;static int days []={31,28,31,30,31,30,3l,3 有以下程序 #include<iostream> using namespace std; static int days []={31,28,31,30,31,30,3l,31,30,31,30,31}; class date { private: int month,day,year; public: date(int m,int d,int y) { month=m; day=d; year=y; } date() {} void disp() { cout<<year<<"-"<<month<<"-"<<day<<end1; } date operator+(int day) { date dt=*this; day+=dt.day; while(day>days[dt.month-1]) { day-=days[dt.month-1]; if(++dt.month==13) { dt.month=1; dt.year++; } } dt.day=day; retrn dt; } }; int main() { date d1(6,20,2004),d2; d2=d1+20; d2.disp(); return 0; } 执行后的输出结果是A.2004-7-10B.2004-6-20C.2004-7-20D.程序编译时出错

template int SeqList::Insert(Type else {Last++;for(int j=last;jdata[i]=x;return 1;}}对于结点类型为SeqList的顺序表,以上算法的功能为:()

2、在顺序结构表示的线性表中,删除第i个元素(数组下标为i-1),需要把后面的所有元素都往前挪一位,相应的语句是: for (___________ ) PtrL->Data[j-1]=PtrL->Data[j]; 其中空缺部分的内容应该是A.j = i; j< = PtrL->Last; j++B.j =PtrL->Last; j>= i; j--C.j = i-1; j< = PtrL->Last; j++D.j =PtrL->Last; j>= i-1; j--

如果month=4,下面代码的输出结果是 int days=0; switch(month) { case 2: days=28; break; case 4: case 6: case 9: case 11: days=30; break; default: days=31; break; } Console.WriteLine(days);A.0B.28C.30D.31

在顺序结构表示的线性表中,删除第i个元素(数组下标为i-1),需要把后面的所有元素都往前挪一位,相应的语句是: for (___________ ) PtrL->Data[j-1]=PtrL->Data[j]; 其中空缺部分的内容应该是A.j = i; j< = PtrL->Last; j++B.j =PtrL->Last; j>= i; j--C.j = i-1; j< = PtrL->Last; j++D.j =PtrL->Last; j>= i-1; j--

5、如果month=4,下面代码的输出结果是 int days=0; switch(month) { case 2: days=28; break; case 4: case 6: case 9: case 11: days=30; break; default: days=31; break; } Console.WriteLine(days);A.0B.28C.30D.31