Hello,could I speak to Doctor Brad Jennings,please?-This is Bad Jennings speaking。() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

Hello,could I speak to Doctor Brad Jennings,please?-This is Bad Jennings speaking。()



A:I’m afraid Mr. Watson is not in the office at the moment. B:______. A.Can you take a message, please?B.My name is Don Bradley.C.Hello. Can I speak to Phil Watson, please?D.This is Don Bradley.

A:Good morning. Phil Watson’s office.B:___________. A.My name is Don Bradley.B.Hello. Can I speak to Phil Watson, please?C.Can you take a message, please?D.I’ll try his mobile.

Hello. my name is Edward Green. I _________to speak to Mr. Smith, please. A.would likeB.wantC.want toD.glad

Direction: Pick out the appropriate expression from the eight choices and complete the following dialogue by blackening the corresponding letter on the answer sheet.A. What happened?B. Nice to meet you.C. please take it easy.D. No trouble at all.E. Coffee, please.F. I forgive you.G. But he panned to.H. Can I have the bill?56. Tom: Hello, first let me introduce myself. I'm Tom Hall, I am in charge of MAP Advertising.Tony: ______, I' m Tony Blair.57. Student A: I am very grateful to you for taking so much trouble to explain the best way of getting there.Student B: ______.58. Child: Mom, I'm very sorry, really. I didn't mean to hurt you.Mom: It's OK. ______. Do behave yourself next time!59. Guest: Waiter! ______, please?Waiter: Yes, sir. Here is the bill. The total is 200 yuan.60. Doctor: ______? You don't look well.Patient: I broke my left leg when climbing the mountain yesterday.

3.—Did you practice__________. English this morning?—Yes,but I forgot __________ the classroom.A. speak,cleaningB. to speak,to cleanC. speaking,cleaningD. speaking,to clean

Hello, Can I speak to Liu Hui, please? ()A. Yes, I am.B. Yes, speaking.C. Yes, you can.

—Hello! May I speak to Mary? —Yes.________ Mary,you are wanted on the phone. A.Wait for her,please.B.Hang on,please.C.I'll call on her.D.She will come soon.

Client: Hello. May I speak to Mr. Black?Secretary:_______A: Speaking, pleaseB: I ’m sorry. He ’s at a meeting right now.C: Hello. Who ’re you, please?D: Hello. Thank you for calling.

Nicholas: Hello. May I speak to Tom?Tom: ______A、Sorry, the number is engaged. Will you hold?B、Hello. Who're you, please?C、Hello. Thank you for calling.D、Yes, speaking.

Hello. my name is Edward Green. I()to speak to Mr. Smith, please.AwouldlikeBwantCwanttoDglad