— What a beautiful dress you’re wearing!— __________________. A.No, thanksB.Thank youC.Yes, it isD.Sorry, it isn’t

— What a beautiful dress you’re wearing!— __________________.

A.No, thanks

B.Thank you

C.Yes, it is

D.Sorry, it isn’t


You’re () your time trying to persuade him, he will never join us. A、spendingB、losingC、wastingD、missing

What()_ you()__this time tomorrow? A.will…doB.will…have doneC.will…be doneD.will…be doing

What () you () at eight o'clock tomorrow morning? A、are; doingB、do; youC、will; doD、will; be doing

Once you’re into basketball, you’ll find() great fun to play as a way to relax. A、itB、thatC、thisD、what

What's ( )job? Are ( ) British?A. your, yourB. you, yourC. your, you

—What______you _______at ten o' clock yesterday﹖ —I_______ in class.A、were doing studiedB、was doing was studyingC、were doing was studyingD、was doing studied

You- re _s___________ out ,you need to relax.

Which of the following does NOT show the proper rhythmic pattern of the sentenceA.'What' s the 'matterB.The 'sweater is 'beautiful.C.He 'started 'counting it.D.'He usually 'gets up at 'six o 'clock.

You’re__________your time talking to him;he’ll never understand.A.spendingB.wastingC.losingD.missing

You look() What()you()?Atire;did;doBtiring;have;doneCtired;do;doDtired;have;been doing