The British runner was ________ on the final lap by the Chinese.A overdoneB overrunC overcomeD overtaken

The British runner was ________ on the final lap by the Chinese.

A overdone

B overrun

C overcome

D overtaken


What is the name for a British person? We can talk about 'the British' in general. '()' appears mostly in newspaper headlines while 'Britisher' is used sometimes by non-British-speakers.A、EnglishB、BritainC、BritonD、England

He knew that I got hurt while climbing.He didn’t want to _______ me. A.downloadB.overrunC.underestimateD.upset

What's ( )job? Are ( ) British?A. your, yourB. you, yourC. your, you

public class Something {public static void main(String[] args) {Other o = new Other();new Something().addOne(o);}public void addOne(final Other o) {o.i++;}}class Other {public int i;}和上面的很相似,都是关于final 的问题,这有错吗?

A state of emergency had been in force since the emperor was overthrown.A.overtakenB.overrunC.overturnedD.overdrawn

WhataretworeasonsforpacketlossonaVoIPconnection?() A.serializationdelayB.overrunC.fullbuffersandqueuesD.propagationdelayE.shapingdelayF.TCPheadererrors

They plotted the________ of the government.A.overturnB.overrunC.overthrowD.overtake

3、被final修饰的方法不能被(_____),被final修饰的变量不能被(____) ,被final修饰的类不能被(____)


被final修饰的方法不能被(_____),被final修饰的变量不能被(____) ,被final修饰的类不能被(____)