红细胞外期(exoerythrocytic stage)

红细胞外期(exoerythrocytic stage)


青蒿素抗疟作用发生在A 红细胞内期B 红细胞前期C 红细胞外期D 疟原虫配子体E 以上均非

Bootloader启动流程一般可分为stage1、stage 2、stage3三个阶段。() 此题为判断题(对,错)。


疟原虫红细胞外期exo-erythrocytic cycle

Consider the query:Mysql> SET @run = 15;Mysql> EXPLAIN SELECT objective, stage, COUNT (stage)FROM iteminformationWHERE run=@run AND objective=’7.1’GROUP BY objective,stageORDER BY stage;The iteminformation table has the following indexes;Mysql> SHOW INDEXES FROM iteminformation:This query is run several times in an application with different values in the WHERE clause in a growing data set.What is the primary improvement that can be made for this scenario?()A.Do not pass a user variable in the WHERE clause because it limits the ability of the optimizer to use indexesB.Add an index on the objective column so that is can be used in both the WHERE and GROUP BY operationsC.Drop the run_2 index because it has caused a conflict in the choice of key for this queryD.Execute the run_2 index because it has caused a conflict in the choice of key for this queryE.Add a composite index on (run,objective,stage) to allow the query to fully utilize an index

作用于红细胞内期和继发性红细胞外期的药物是( )。

在Bootloader的stage1中,以下各步骤的顺序应为:()。 A.跳转到stage2的C程序入口点 B.为加载stage2准备RAM空间 C.拷贝stage2的执行代码到RAM空间中 D.基本硬件初始化A.2413B.4231C.4213D.4321


酚醛树脂按照反应分为三个阶段,不属于的是A.甲阶(A-stage)B.乙阶(B-stage)C.丙阶(C-stage)D.D 丁阶(D-stage)