Why are Amold Schwarzenegger and Garth Brooks mentioned in Paragraph 5?[A] To prove their popularity around the world.[B] To reveal the public’s fear of immigrants.[C] To give examples of successful immigrants.[D] To show the powerful influence of American culture.

Why are Amold Schwarzenegger and Garth Brooks mentioned in Paragraph 5?

[A] To prove their popularity around the world.

[B] To reveal the public’s fear of immigrants.

[C] To give examples of successful immigrants.

[D] To show the powerful influence of American culture.


( ) Which of the following can cause hepatitis? A、Viral bacterial infection.B、Liver poisoningC、Traumatic injury to the liverD、All of the above-mentioned.

Paragraph 5 ______

on which day is halloween celebrated?A. Match 17th.B. December 25th.C. October 31stD. November 5th

关于5Why法、因果图法的描述,正确的是( )。 A.5Why法的关键在于:鼓励解决问题的人要努力避开主观或自负的假设和逻辑陷阱,从结果着手,沿着因果关系链条,顺藤摸瓜,直至找出原有问题的根源。B.5Why法就是问5个为什么。

Last night’s TV news said that by then the death of the missing people ________(未证实)yet.(prove)

Which paragraph gives an account of the way electrochromic windows changing?A.Paragraph 5.B.Paragraph 3.C.Paragraph 4.D.Paragraph 6.



“最终理想解”的五个步骤顺序,正确的是:A.IFR HIVI TABLE工具 5-WHY分析法 功能模型图 矛盾理论结合40发明原理B.IFR HIVI TABLE工具 功能模型图 5-WHY分析法 矛盾理论结合40发明原理C.矛盾理论结合40发明原理 功能模型图 IFR 5-WHY分析法 HIVI TABLE工具D.功能模型图 5-WHY分析法 IFR 矛盾理论结合40发明原理 HIVI TABLE工具

【单选题】“最终理想解”的五个步骤顺序,正确的是:A.IFR HIVI TABLE工具 5-WHY分析法 功能模型图 矛盾理论结合40发明原理B.IFR HIVI TABLE工具 功能模型图 5-WHY分析法 矛盾理论结合40发明原理C.矛盾理论结合40发明原理 功能模型图 IFR 5-WHY分析法 HIVI TABLE工具D.功能模型图 5-WHY分析法 IFR 矛盾理论结合40发明原理 HIVI TABLE工具