






The work breakdown structure (WBS) is first developed in which scope management process?A . InitiationB . Scope planningC . Scope change controlD . Scope DefinitionE . Scope verification

78 The process of choosing/documenting the best approach to achieve the project objectives is part of: A. The scope baseline.B. Scope authorizationC. Scope definitionD. Scope planning.E. All of the above.

12 The identification, definition, and selection of the project objectives as well as the best approach to achieving the project objectives are indentified in the _____ phase of the project but first documented in the project _____.A. Conceptual, charter/baseline.B. Conceptual, master schedule.C. Development, charter/baseline.D. Development, master schedule.E. Development, masterplan

105 You are managing an internal project where a vice president from the user group is acting as the sponsor. You have just been informed by your team that the critical path has slipped by three weeks. You should:A. Immediately inform. the sponsor and ask for adviceB. Do nothing until the slippage occursC. See the sponsor after you have evaluated alternatives, recommendations, and performed an impact analysisD. Look for someone to blame before you see the sponsorE. Inform. your senior management of the problem and tell them that you will get back to them after you assessed the situation

你和你的项目团队决定对每项工作使用三次估计来估算工时。你的团队可能在利用:a. 优先图示法PDMb. 计划评审技术PERT法c. 实际工作分解结构AWBSd. 关键路线法CPM

以下哪一项条件对项目经理是至关重要的 ( )A.管理经验B.谈判技巧C.所受的技术方面的教育D.与其他人一起工作的能力