__________ the price is concerned, this car is a good bargain.A:As low asB:As soon asC:As much asD:As far as

__________ the price is concerned, this car is a good bargain.

A:As low as

B:As soon as

C:As much as

D:As far as


Ten years ago the population of our vilage was () that of theirs. A、as twice as large asB、twice as large asC、twice as much asD、as twice much as

He has to feel that he's__________ and probably better than any other surgeon in the world. A. as better asB. as well asC. as right asD. as good as

Climate will warm up over the next 50 to 100 years () it has warmed in the 20,000 years since Ice Age. A、as long asB、as soon asC、as well asD、as much as

Just use this room for the time being, and we’ll offer you a larger one ____it becomes available.A. as soon asB. unlessC. as far asD. until

Peter's jacket looked just the same as Jack’S,but it cost____________his.A.as much twice asB.twice as much asC.much as twice asD.as twice much as

()careless mistakes can be found in that article. A、As much asB、Scores ofC、As many asD、The number of

( )he works hard, I don’t mind when he finished the experiment. A. As soon asB. As well asC. So far asD. So long as

You can go out,()you promise to be back before 12 o'clock.A. so far asB. as far asC. as long as

He walked()south()the river and stopped for a rest. A、as far,asB、so much,asC、so,asD、such,as

They spend all their spare time, _________ their spare money, on their experiments.A:as soon asB:as well asC:as long asD:as much as

______ I know, he has been abroad.A: As far asB: As soon asC: As well asD: As much as

_______writing a book, that too can be measured as a success.A: So far asB: As far asC: So as toD: In order to

I think we are friends ___colleagues A.as well asB.as far asC.as good as

He will do anything()he can earn money. A、as far asB、as long asC、in caseD、while

()we would like to conclude this deal with you, we find your bid unacceptable. A、AsB、SinceC、Much asD、As much as

_______ a good beginning is made, the work is half done. A.WhileB.As soon asC.AsD.Once

____ I?know,?there?isn’t?such?a?word?in?English.A、As much asB、So far asC、As long asD、As soon as

I’ll write to you ____________ I have heard from Helen.A、as well asB、as soon asC、as quickly asD、as far as

You can go out, ____________ you promise to be back before 11 o’clock.A、as far asB、as long asC、as well asD、as soon as

I walked ______ the Seventh Avenue to catch a bus.A、untilB、as long asC、as far asD、till

You may use the hospital ______ you clean it up afterward.A.as far asB.as well asC.as soon asD.so long as

______20 targets can be tracked at one time.When maximum tracking capacity is reached,no further acquisitions(捕获) are possible.A.As many asB.So many asC.As much asD.As more as

Anybody will do,_______he is responsible for that.A.as far asB.so far asC.as long asD.as soon as

They have produced__________they did last year.A.twice as much grain asB.twice more grain asC.twice as many grain asD.as twice many grain as

I pulled the handle I could.A.so hardly asB.as hardly asC.so hard asD.as hard as

They offered her a house for$100,000,__________it was worth.A.as much as twiceB.as much twice asC.as twice much asD.twice as much as

We shall advise you ____ we are able to supply the goods again.A、asB、whileC、as soon asD、until