how many seats in the house of commons should a party hold at least in order to win the election?A. 351B. 326.C. 651.D. 626.

how many seats in the house of commons should a party hold at least in order to win the election?

A. 351

B. 326.

C. 651.

D. 626.


()that happen,what()we do? A、If…shallB、Suppose…shallC、Should…wouldD、Had…should

Big Screen Complex has the__________ (comfortable) seats.

有如下类定义: class Point{ private: static int how_many; }; ______how_many=0; 要初始化Point类的静态成员how_many,在下画线处应填入的内容是A.intB.static Point::D.static int Point::


下面是一个Applet程序,其功能是实现一个计数器,每隔0.15秒计数器数值加1,数值动态变化,并且能够控制计数器的暂停和继续。要求通过使用Swing的构件建立图形用户界面。主要包括一个文本区域,用于显示计数器结果:两个按钮,一个使计数器暂停,一个使计数器继续工作。请改正程序中的错误(有下划线的语句),使程序能输出正确的结果。注意:不改动程序的结构,不得增行或删行。源程序文件代码清单如下。import javax.swing.*;import java.awt.*;import java.awt.event.*;/*<applet code="ex19_3.class" width=800 height=400></applet>*/public class ex19_3 extends JApplet{private JTextField jtf=new JTextField(15);private JButton Hold=new JButton("Hold");private JButton resume=new JButton("Resume");private ex19_3th obj19_3th=new ex19_3th();class ex19_3th extends Thread{private int cnt=0;private boolean bIsHold=false;public ex19_3th() {start();}public void hold(){bIsHold=true;}public synchronized void fauxResume(){bIsHold=false;wait ();}public void run(){while (true){try {sleep(150);synchronized(this){while(bIsHold)notify();}}catch(InterruptedException ie){System.err.println("Interrupted");}jtf.setText(cnt);}}}public void init(){Container cp=getContentPane();cp.setLayout(new FlowLayout());cp.add(jtf);Hold.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae){obj19_3th.hold ( );}});cp.add(Hold);resume.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){obj19_3th.fauxResume();}&n

有如下类定义: class Point{ private: static int how_many; }; ______how_many=0; 要初始化Point类的静态成员how_many,下划线处应填入的内容是A.intB.static Point: :D.static int Point

有如下类定义: class Point{ private: static int how_many; }; ___________how_many=0; 要初始化Point类的静态成员how_many,下画线处应填入的内容是( )。A.intB.static Point::D.static int Point::

Examine the following options, Multicasting supports applications that communicate.() A. many - to - oneB. one - to - oneC. one - to - manyD. many - to - many

______ it rain tomorrow moring, the loading ______.A.Should / will be postponedB.If / shall be postponedC.Should / would be postponedD.If / has to be postponed

I was most surprised to hear Susan's marriage.A: veryB: reallyC: moreD: least