Many fans thought that Sade’s fourth album was too much like her ___ albums. A、beforeB、previousC、beforehandD、predicated

Many fans thought that Sade’s fourth album was too much like her ___ albums.






ManyfansthoughtthatSade’sfourthalbumwastoomuchlikeher___abbums. A.beforeB.previousC.beforehandD.predicated

Passage OneMark went to the neighborhood meeting after work. The area's city councilwoman (女议员) was leading a discussion about how the quality of life was decreasing. The neighborhood faced many problems. People were supposed to suggest solutions to the councilwoman. It was too much for Mark. "The problems are too big," he thought. He turned to the man next to him and said, "I think this is a waste of my time. Nothing I could do would make a difference here."On his way back, Mark saw a woman carrying a grocery hag and baby. She was trying to unlock her car, but she didn't have a free hand. As Mark got closer, her other child, a little boy, suddenly darted into the street. The woman tried to reach for him, but as she moved, her bag shifted and groceries started to fall out. Mark ran to take the boy's arm and led him back to his mother. Then he picked up the groceries while the woman smiled in relief. "Thanks!" she said. "You've got great timing (适时) !""Just being neighborly (友好的) ," Mark said. As he rode home, he glanced at the walls of the bus passed by. On one of them was "Small acts of kindness add up." Mark smiled and thought, "Maybe that's a good place to start."31. In the first paragraph, Mark thought that______.A. nobody was so able as to solve these problemsB. many people were too selfish to think about othersC. he was not in the position to solve such problemsD. he already had more than enough work to do

It’s high time you had your hair cut ; it’s getting .A. too much long B. much too longC. long too much D. too long much

9. Jim told me she had ________ , homework to do and always ended up ‘Englishnew words every day.A. too much; memorizingB. too many; memorizingC. much too; memorizedD. much many; to memorize

It’s high time you had your hair cut ; it’s getting_______ .A. too much long B. much too long C. long too much D. too long much

I’m afraid the homework is () for the children. A、too muchB、much tooC、too manyD、many too

( )do not like too much ( ). A、Children/ homeworkB、A child/ homeworksC、A child/ homeworkD、The children/ homeworks

There () in this area. A、are too many coalB、are too much coalC、are too much coalsD、is too much coal

The writer decided to drop out of the conspicuous consumption gang because____ (She Is an Unwilling Tool of Middleclassdom) A. of inflationB. life is made too easy by modern miracle-performing appliancesC. she’s spending too much time and energy to keep things runningD. her children will be leaving home soon

They both have _____ work to do, so they are _____ busy. A.much too,too muchB.too much,much many,, much

You expected too much of her. She is a () hand in teaching English, anyway.

___________________A. Could you please help me?B. How much is it?C. That’s too expensive.D. What color do you want?E. Here is the money.F. How do you like this T-shirt?G. What size would you like?

10. The beef is __________dear. Let-s not buy .A. much too ,too muchB. much too ,much tooC. too much ,too muchD. too much ,much too

Jenny complained that the hospital_ her too much for the treatment.A. expendedB. paidC. costD. charged

Christine was just a girl in one of my class. I never knew much aboutHer except for that she was strang . she didn’t talk many .her hair was blackand purple, and she worn black sports shoes and a black sweater ,although in thesummer .she was ,infact, rather attractively, and she never seemed ^care whatthe rest if us thought about her .like the rest of my classmate ,I didn’t reallywant to get closest to her . it was only when we did their chemistry projiecttogether that I begin to uanderstand why christine dressed the way she did .__________

Passage 2Taylor Swift, the seven-time Grammy winner, is known for her articulate lyrics, so there wasnothing surprising about her writing a long column for The Wall Street Journal about the future ofthe music industry. Yet there′ s reason to doubt the optimism of what she had to say "This moment in music is so exciting because the creative avenues an artist can explore arelimitless," Swift wrote."In this moment in music, stepping out of your comfort zone is rewarded,and sonic evolution is not only accepted ... it is celebrated. The only real risk is being too afraid totake a risk at all."That′s hard to reconcile with Nielsen′s mid-year U.S. music report, which showed a 15percent year-on-year drop in album sales and a 13 percent decline in digital track sales. This couldbe the 2013 story all over again, in which streaming services cannibalize their growth from digitaldownloads, whose numbers dropped for the first time ever last year, except that even includingstreams, album sales are down 3.3 percent so far in 2014. Streaming has grown even more than it didlast year,42 percent compared to 32 percent, but has failed to make up for a general loss of interestin music.Consider this: in 2014 to date, Americans purchased 593.6 million digital tracks and heard 70.3million video and audio streams for a sum total of 663.9 million. In the comparable period of 2013,the total came to 731.7 million.Swift, one of the few artists able to pull off stadium tours, believes it′s all about quality."People are still buying albums, but now they′ re buying just a few of them," she wrote. "They arebuying only the ones that hit them like an arrow through the heart."In 2000, album sales peaked at 785 million. Last year, they were down to 415.3 million. Swiftis right, but for many of the artists whose albums pierce hearts like arrows, it′s too late. Sales ofvinyl albums have increased 40.4 percent so far this year, according to Nielsen, and the top-sellingone was guitar hero Jack White′ s Lazaretto. The top 10 also includes records by the aging or dead,such as the Beatles and Bob Marley & the Wailers. More modern entries are not exactly teensensations, either: the Black Keys, Beck and the Arctic Monkeys. None of these artists is present onthe digital sales charts, including or excluding streams. The top-selling album so far this year, by ahuge margin, is the saccharine soundtrack to the Disney animated hit, "Frozen".When, like me, you′re over 40 and you believe the music industry has been in decline since in1993 (the year Nirvana released in Utero), it′ s easy to criticize the music taste of "the kids thesedays," a term even the 23-year old Swift uses. My fellow dinosaurs will understand if they compare1993′s top albums to Nielsen′s 2014 list. But these kids don′t just like to listen to different musicthan we do, they no longer find much worth hearing.The way the music industry works now may have something to do with that. In the old days,musicians showed their work to industry executives, the way most book authors still do to publishers(although that tradition, too, is eroding). The executives made mistakes and were credited with brilliantfinds. Sometimes they followed the public taste, and sometimes they strove to shape it, taking bigfinancial and career risks in the process. These days, according to Swift, it′s all about the socialnetworks. "A friend of mine, who is an actress, told me that when the casting for her recent movie camedown to two actresses, the casting director chose the actress with more Twitter followers," Swift wrote."In the future, artists will get record deals because they have fans--not the other way around."The social networks are fickle and self-consciously sarcastic(see the recent potato saladphenomenon). They are not about arrow-through-the-heart sincerity. That′ s why YouTube made Psya star, but it couldn′t have been the medium for Beatle mania. Justin Timberlake has 32.9 millionTwitter followers, but he′ s no Jack White.In the music industry′ s heyday, it produced a lot of schlock. But it got great music out to themasses, too. These days, it expects artists to do their own promotion and for those who less good atthat than at making music, it may mean not getting heard. For fans it means less good music tostream and download. Well, there′s always the warm and fuzzy world of vinyl nostalgia, I guess.What does the underlined word "that" in PARAGRAPH EIGHT refer toA.Kid' s music taste.B.1993' s top album.C.Nielsen' s 2014 list.D.The music industry.

Ms. Hansen is () than the office manager she replaced.A、much more businesslikeB、many more businesslikeC、much business like

The gangway is too high. Can you lower it ()?A、a smallB、a little bitC、a many bitD、a much bit

They have done()work these days.A、too muchB、much tooC、too manyD、many too

填空题Her students like her very much.→ She is ____ very much.

单选题Why does Asselin question her future as an educator in less than a year´ s time?AIt is a common practice for American young teachers.BShe has experienced too many highs and lows in her work.CIt is totally beyond her expectation to give kids endless test.DShe has grown tired of greeting her kindergartners every day.

单选题The families of other ALD patients thought that _____.Athe research for the new cure would cost too much moneyBthe efforts of Lorenzo’s parents were a waste of timeCLorenzo’s parents would succeed in finding a cureDLorenzo’s oil was a real cure for ALD

单选题The emergence of the Net has_____.Areceived support from fans like DonovanBremolded the intelligence servicesCrestored many common pastimesDrevived spying as a profession

单选题She is much like a musician than her brother.Amuch ofBmuch asCmore ofDmore as

单选题The passage shows that _____.Amother was cold on the surface but kind in her heart to her daughterBmother was too serious about everything her daughter had doneCmother eared much about her daughter in wordsDmother wrote to her daughter in careful words

单选题The emergence of the Net has ______.Areceived support from fans like DonovanBremolded the intelligence servicesCrestored many common pastimesDrevived spying as a profession

单选题Ted thanked me ______ , too much I thought for the little I had done. so I was embarrassment.AprolificallyBluxuriantlyCsumptuouslyDprofusely