E-commence in Singapore will continue to grow at a rate of 19 per cent even if the pandemic ends.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。
E-commence in Singapore will continue to grow at a rate of 19 per cent even if the pandemic ends.()
publicvoidtest(intx){intodd=x%2;if(odd){System.out.println(odd);}else{System.out.println(even”);}}Whichstatementistrue?() A.Compilationfails.B.“odd”willalwaysbeoutput.C.“even”willalwaysbeoutput.D.“odd”willbeoutputforoddvaluesofx,and“even”forevenvalues.E.“even”willbeoutputforaddvaluesofx,and“odd”forevenvalues.
Onwhatbasisareworldwidenodenamesassigned?() A.per-serviceprofileB.per-computenodeC.per-groupD.per-VHBA
下面每句都有一个标点符号错误,该用标点处未用标点或标点符号用错,改正错误或补写标点。 1.I don't know how to answer that question? 2.Don't forget to cross your ts. 3.Ouch I think I've broken my toe. 4.It was James' father not her mother,who visited her recently. 5.It is a dependable fool proof method. 6.Our company produces many fine products it has,in fact,a reputation for quality merchandise. 7.In the first quarter prices rose 5 per cent;in the second quarter,3 per cent and in the third 7 per-cent. 8.Frank Stanley,III will replace his grandfather,Frank Stanley,Sr.,as president of the company. 9.Stallions yield the highest prices;but mares can also be extremely expensive. 10.Help,Help!Someone has fallen into the river.
写出下面代码的运行结果。def addInterest(balance,rate): newBalance=balance*(1+rate) balance=newBalance def main(): amount=1000 rate=0.05 addInterest(amount,rate) print (amount) main()