tennis is usually regarded as a winter and spring sport. ()
tennis is usually regarded as a winter and spring sport. ()
to, I, how, last, winter, skate, learned__________________________________________________________________________.
As () machine tools, we regret to () that we are not able to supply for the time being.A、regarded,sayB、regards,sayingC、regards,sayD、regarded,inform
From the passage we can infer that the story happened in______.A. springB. summerC. autumnD. winter
The coastal area has very 【mild】 winter, but the central plains remain extremely cold.A.warmB.severeC.hardD.dry
The coastal area has very 【mild】 winter, but the central plains remain extremeA.severeB.hardC.warmD.dry
已经定义了一个Season枚举,它有4个成员Spring、Summer、Autumn、Winter现在需要定义一个名为currentSeason的Season枚举,并将其赋值为Spring,应使用下面哪段代码?A.Season currentSeason = Spring;B.currentSeason = Spring;C.currentSeason = Season.Spring;D.Season currentSeason = Season.Spring;
根据下面的结构体类型定义和数组定义,值等于'W'的表达式是() 。 struct season { char n [10]; int d; }; struct season s[4]={"Spring",90,"Summer",91,"Autumn",92,"Winter",92};A.s[3].n[0]B.s[3].nC.s[4].nD.s[4].n[0]