He thought____easy to pass the exam. A、itsB、isC、itD、too

He thought____easy to pass the exam.






下面关于pass的说法中,正确的是()。 A、pass表示一个空操作,只起到占位作用B、pass只能用在条件语句中C、if的分支语句中可以只包括passD、pass能够跳出循环语句

You()theexaminEnglishifyou()hard. A.pass,workB.willpass,workC.pass,willwork

A user wants to establish an FTP session to a server behind an SRX device but must authenticate to a Web page on the SRX device for additional authentication.Which type of user authentication is configured?()A. pass-throughB. WebAuthC. WebAuth with Web redirectD. pass-through with Web redirect

A user wants to establish an HTTP session to a server behind an SRX device but is being pointed to Web page on the SRX device for additional authentication.Which type of user authentication is configured?()A. pass-through with Web redirectB. WebAuth with HTTP redirectC. WebAuthD. pass-through

若希望将Quidway系列路由器接口Ethernet 0上发送的报文的优先级都设置为7,下面哪些配置命令可以做到() A. qos car inbound any cir 8000 cbs 15000 ebs 0 conform remark-prec-pass 7 exceed remark-prec-pass 7B. qos car outbound any cir 8000 cbs 15000 ebs 0 conform remark-prec-pass 7 exceed remark-prec-pass 7C. qos car outbound any cir 8000 cbs 15000 ebs 0 conform remark-prec-pass 7 exceed remark-prec-pass dropD. qos car outbound any cir 8000 cbs 15000 ebs 0 conform remark-prec-pass 7 exceed remark-prec-continue 7


Please distribute books among the students.A:allocate B:deliverC:withdraw D:pass


18、以下关于 pass 哪个描述是正确的?A.Python 会忽略 pass 语句,就像忽略注释一样。B.pass 语句会终止当前循环C.pass 不做任何事情,一般用做占位语句D.以上说法都是正确的。
