The reason why people like to fly today is that______.A. it is interestingB. it is cheaper than to go in any other wayC. it can cross the wide oceansD. it takes less time
The reason why people like to fly today is that______.
A. it is interesting
B. it is cheaper than to go in any other way
C. it can cross the wide oceans
D. it takes less time
阅读《风波》结尾一段文字,回答文后 54~55 问题。现在的七斤,是七斤嫂和村人又都早给他相当的尊敬,相当的待遇了。到了夏天,他们仍旧在自家门口土场上吃饭;大家见了,都笑嘻嘻的招呼。九斤老太太早已做过八十大寿,仍然不平而且康健。六斤的双丫角,已经变成一支大辫子了;伊虽然新近裹脚,却还能帮同七斤嫂做事,捧着十八个铜钉的饭碗,在土场上一瘸一拐的往来。第 54 题 六斤的“新近裹脚”和“一瘸一拐”地走路有何象征意义?
The government official said that the new tax rates would come into ______ (effective) from April.