Rubbish _____ quickly if you don’t clear it regularly. A.accumulatesB.gathersC.assemblesD.adds

Rubbish _____ quickly if you don’t clear it regularly.






“Do I have to hand in the paper today?” “No, you ______ .” A.mustn’tB.needn’tC.don’t needD.won’t

Please pass me the salt, () you? A、doB、don'tC、willD、won't

You seem to be dissatisfied with your present post. I don’t think you judged your ability objectively when you applied for it, () you? A.doB.didC.don’tD.didn’t

You like playing football, () you? A、doB、didn'tC、didD、don't

“Must we finish the work today?” “No, you() . ” A. mustn’ tB. can’ tC. don’ tD. needn’ t


Must I stay at the office this afternoon? ---No, you ______.A、don’tB、needn’tC、don’t needD、can’t

You_________tell anyone一it's a secret!A. have toB. don't have toC. mustD. mustn't

You_____tell anyone -it's a secret!A. have toB. don't have toC. mustD. mustn't

I put my coat here? Sorry, you()AMay; mustn'tBDo; don'tCcan; needn'tDMay; can't