Maggie ran back to the kitchen, eggs ______ carefully in her be heldB.heldC.were heldD.holding

Maggie ran back to the kitchen, eggs ______ carefully in her hands. be held


C.were held



All ‘eggs’ will actually ever be released during her reproductive years. () 此题为判断题(对,错)。

As an exchange for asking Maggie questions when they first met, what did Ike agree?() pay for invite her for buy something for have his hair washed

How did Maggie run away from Ike and her wedding?() truck

I gave her a ________ on the back and told her she had done fine work. A. touchB. pushC. patD. beat

A plate dropped from her fingers and () into pieces on the kitchen floor A.hazardB. crashC.gave offD.smashed

She always does her homework _____ than her brother.A. more careful B. careful C. more carefully D. carefully

How did Ma Shwe manage to save her calf from the fast-flowing water?A.By putting it on a safe spot.B.By pressing it against her body.C.By taking it away with her.D.By carrying it on her back

They hoped to finish the kitchen by Friday, but ________ they will probably have to come back next week.A so to speakB as thoughC as it isD as a rule

Tom back to the kitchen, eggs ( ) carefully in his hand.A、heldB、to be heldC、were heldD、holding

It was (11) birthday. She got a letter from her uncle. "Dear Mary,"he wrote in the let-ter "Happy birthday.I’m sending you some (12).They will arrive tomorrow.l hope you'll like them.Mary was very (13). She liked eating eggs and chicken. "I can keep the chickens (14) Ntheir eggs or eating them, she thought.When the chickens arrived the next day,they were put in a box. She took the box off the truck and began to carry it into her garden,but the box was so heavy that she dropped(掉) (15) .The box fell on the ground and broke open. The chickens all (16) 0ut. They ran here and there. Mary (17) hours in trying to find them.(18) few days later her uncle came. He asked,"Did the chickens arrive safely? "Yes,but I dropped the broke open and the chickens ran everywhere.(19) took me the whole morning to (20) them, Mary said."Did you find them all? asked her uncle. "I hope so, Mary answered,"but I only caught eleven of them."That's very interesting.l only sent you six, her uncle said with a smile. .( )11.A.Mary'sB.Kate‘sC.Jim'sD.Dave’s

Her car collided with a tree yesterday evening.A:met B:ran intoC:knocked over D:encountered

She bumped into her boyfriend in town this morning.A:walked B:came C:fled D:ran

All the housewives who went to the new supermarket had one great amhition:to De the lucky?customer who did not have to pay for her shopping.For this was what the notice just inside the?entrance promised.It said:"Remember,once a week,one of our customers gets free goods.This?May Be Your Lucky Day!"For several weeks Mrs.Edwards hoped,like ninny of her friends,to be the lucky customer.Unlike her friends,she never gave up hoping.The cupboards in kitchen were full of things which?she did not need.Her husband tried to advise her against buying things but failed.She dreamed of?the day when the manager of the supermarket would approach her and say:"Madam,this is Your Lucky Day.Everything in your basket is free."One Friday morning,after she had finished her shopping and had taken it to her car,she found that she had forgotten to buy any tea.She dashed back to the supermarket,got the tea and went towards the cash-desk.As she did so,she saw the manager of the supermarket approach her."Madam,"he said,holding out his hand,"I want to congratulate you!You are our lucky customer and everything you have in your basket is free!"Mrs.Edwards went back to the supermarket quickly because she had another to the for her shoppingD.find her shopping

Under no circumstances______without looking carefully to the rear.A.should one back up a motor vehicleB.a motor vehicle should back should back up a motor vehicleD.should back up a motor vehicle

She bumped into her boyfriend in town this morning,A:walked B:came C:fled D:ran

Shelly had prepared carefully for her biology examination so that she could be sure of passing it on her first endeavor.A: intentionB: attemptC: purposeD: desire

Shelly had prepared carefully for her biology examination so that she could be sure of passing it on her first endeavor .A: intentionB: attemptC: purposeD: desire

When Lily came home at 5p.m. yesterday, her mother() dinner in the kitchen.AcookedBwas cookingCcooksDhad cooked

When Lily came home at 5p.m. yesterday, her mother() dinner in the kitchen.A、cookedB、was cookingC、cooksD、had cooked

Once there was a little girl who came to live in an orphanage (孤儿院). As Christmas time was drawing near, all of the other children 11 telling the little girl about the beautiful Christmas tree that would appear in the hall downstairs on Christmas morning. After their usual 12 , each child would be given their only Christmas gift, a small orange. The headmaster of the orphanage was very 13 with the kids. So on Christmas Eve, when he 14 the little girl slipping down the stairs to peek(偷看)at the much-heard-of Christmas tree, he 15 that the little girl would not receive her Christmas orange because she had been so curious as to disobey the rules. The little girl ran back to her room 16 , crying at her terrible fate. The next morning as the other children were going down for breakfast, the little girl stayed in her bed. She couldn’t 17 the thought of seeing the others receive their gift while there would be 18 for her. Later, as the children came back upstairs, the little girl was surprised to be handed a napkin (餐巾). As she carefully opened it, there, to her 19 , was an orange all peeled and sectioned (分瓣). “ How could this be? ” she asked. Then, she realized how each child had taken one section from their orange for her so that she, too , would have a Christmas orange. What an example of the true meaning of Christmas those orphan children showed that morning! How I 20 the world would show the same kind of concern for others, not only at Christmas, but throughout the year!请在20处填上正确答案()A、wonderB、thinkC、wishD、feel

Once there was a little girl who came to live in an orphanage (孤儿院). As Christmas time was drawing near, all of the other children 11 telling the little girl about the beautiful Christmas tree that would appear in the hall downstairs on Christmas morning. After their usual 12 , each child would be given their only Christmas gift, a small orange. The headmaster of the orphanage was very 13 with the kids. So on Christmas Eve, when he 14 the little girl slipping down the stairs to peek(偷看)at the much-heard-of Christmas tree, he 15 that the little girl would not receive her Christmas orange because she had been so curious as to disobey the rules. The little girl ran back to her room 16 , crying at her terrible fate. The next morning as the other children were going down for breakfast, the little girl stayed in her bed. She couldn’t 17 the thought of seeing the others receive their gift while there would be 18 for her. Later, as the children came back upstairs, the little girl was surprised to be handed a napkin (餐巾). As she carefully opened it, there, to her 19 , was an orange all peeled and sectioned (分瓣). “ How could this be? ” she asked. Then, she realized how each child had taken one section from their orange for her so that she, too , would have a Christmas orange. What an example of the true meaning of Christmas those orphan children showed that morning! How I 20 the world would show the same kind of concern for others, not only at Christmas, but throughout the year!请在16处填上正确答案()A、open-heartedB、broken-heartedC、light-heartedD、warm-hearted

单选题When Lily came home at 5p.m. yesterday, her mother() dinner in the kitchen.AcookedBwas cookingCcooksDhad cooked

单选题As she is busy with her business, she comes back to see her parents on ______ days.AdesperateBalternateCelaborateDultimate

问答题以下是牛津英语教材的某一课时的阅读教学内容,请认真阅读,设计一份“任务性”的教学流程。A Brave Young Man!  Zhang hua is 25 years old. He helped his neighbour out of a fire.  On 10th May, Zhang Hua was at home alone. Suddenly he heard someone shouting “Fire! Fire!”. He ran outside. He saw a lot of smoke from next door. He went in and saw his neighbour, the 79-year-old Mrs. Sun in the kitchen. She could not get out because she hurt her leg. Anything could happen to her at that moment.  Zhang Hua quickly ran back to his flat and poured water over his jacket. Then he rushed into Mrs. Sun’ s kitchen to save her. There was a lot of smoke and the fire was very hot. He was not afraid. He put out the fire with a blanket and helped Mrs. Sun out.  The fire burnt Zhang Hua’s neck, arms and face. He was in hospital for two months. Many people visited him and brought him flowers and presents. “What a brave young man!” they said.  Zhang Hua was glad that he helped Mrs. Sun. “We should help each other,” he said.  Zhang Hua also said, “Fire can be very dangerous. It is important to be careful with fire”.

单选题Seeing her father come back,_______.Atears ran clown her cheeksBher tears ran outCshe burst into tearsDtears burst into her

单选题Judy with her brother ______ computer games when her mother came back.Awere playingBare playingCwas playingDis playing

单选题Having been praised by the teacher, the little girl ran back home, _____.Ahappily and satisfiedBeager and excitedlyChappy and satisfiedDanxiously and excitedly