Input data from keyboard are stored in(71) for processing.A.modemB.busC.memoryD.printer

Input data from keyboard are stored in(71) for processing.






●One use of networks is to let several computers share (71) such as file systems,printers,and tape drives.(71)

● Project(71)is an uncertain event or condition that, if it occurs, has a positive or a negative effect on at least one project objective, such as time, cost, scope, or quality.(71)

●A firewall is a (71) system designed to (72) an organization′s network against threats.(71) A.preventB.protectC.examineD.exploit

● A test case normally consists of a unique identifier, requirement references from a design specification, events, a series of steps to follow,input, output, actual result, and (71)(71)A. bugB. expected resultC. test reportD. traceability matrix

WhichscriptmustyoutoquerytodisplaythecodeassociatedwithRMANstoredscripts?() A.RC_STORED_SCRIPTB.RC_STORED_SCRIPT_LINEC.RC_SCRIPTSD.RC_STORED_LINE_SCRIPTE.Noneoftheotheralternativesapply

Which of the following elements can be called the key element of a computer?(71)A.printerB.CPUC.mouseD.keyboard

One use of networks is to let several computers share(71)such as file systems, printers, and tape

● Which of the following elements can be called the key element of a computer?(71)(71)A.printerB.CPUC.mouseD.keyboard


1、创建一个4位动态显示的IP核,要求支持16进制显示并可有小数点,还支持特殊符号“-”。其模块声明部分如下: module led4(input clk, input (1) disp_data0, input (1) disp_data1, input (1) disp_data2, input (1) disp_data3, (2) reg (3) seg, //段码 (2) reg (4) dig //位码 ); 补充(1)(2)(3)(4)的内容,并分别简述原因。