()the stipulations of S/C No.167, you are to open the relative L/C before the end of November. A、AccordingB、PerC、In compliance withD、Depending on
()the stipulations of S/C No.167, you are to open the relative L/C before the end of November.
C、In compliance with
D、Depending on
Before 1920s, the American women were ______ the right to vote in a large extent.A、deprived ofB、depriving ofC、persuade ofD、persuading of
下面的算法是计算不带节点的单链表长度,其中能正确执行的是______。A.Function Length(L:Link) integer begin p:=L; j:=0; while p↑.next≠NIL DO [p:=p↑.next; j:=j+1 ] return(j) end;B.Function Length(L:Link) integer begin p:=L; k:=0; while p≠NIL DO [p:=p↑.next; k:=k+1) return(k) end;C.Function Length(L:Link)integer begin p:=L;k:=0; repeat k:=k+1; p=p↑.next until p=NIL return(k-1) end;D.Function Length(L:Link)integer begin p:=L↑.next; k:=1; while p≠NIL DO [k:=k+1; p:=p↑.next] return(k) end;
写出下列程序的运行结果【】。include .include include void ma 写出下列程序的运行结果【 】。include <iostream.h>.include <fstream.h>include <stdlib.h>void main(){fstream outfile, infile;outfile.open("data.clat", ios:: out);if(!outfile){cout<<"Can't open the file."<<end1;abort();}outfile<<" 1234567890"<<end1;outfile<<"aaaaaaaaa"<<end1;outfile<<"**********"<<end1;outfile.close();infile.open("data. dat ", ios:: in);if(!infile){cout<<"Can't open the file."<<end1;abort();}char line[80];int I=0;while(!infile. eof()){I++;infile.getline(line, sizeof(line));cout<<I<<":"<<line<<end1;}infile.close();}
有下列程序段:include using namespace std;int main() { char b[]= "Hello,you"; b[ 有下列程序段: #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { char b[] = "Hello,you"; b[5] = 0; cout<<b<<end1; return 0; } 执行此程序后,得到的输出结果是( )。A.Hello,youB.Hello0youC.HelloD.0
一个文本文件test.txt的一行存储5个整数如下: 1 3 56 67 34 数之间用空格隔开,要读出这些整数的函数正确的是:A.def read(): f=open("test.txt","rt") while true: s=f.read() if s!="": print(s) else: break f.close()B.def read(): f=open("test.txt","rt") s=f.readline() st=s.splist(" ") for s in st: print(s) f.close()C.def read(): f=open("test.txt","rt") st=f.readlines() for s in st: print(s) f.close()D.def read(): f=open("test.txt","rt") while true: s=f.readline() if s!="": print(s) else: break f.close()
4、以下的描述中,必然是对Mealy型状态机的描述的是?A.always @(*) case (state) S0: begin out = 0; if (in) next_state = S1; else next_state = S2; end ……#B.always @(*) case (state) S0: begin if (in) next_state = S1; else next_state = S0; end ……#C.always @(*) case (state) S0: begin if (in) begin next_state = S1; out=1 end else next_state = S0; end ……#D.以上答案均不正确
以下的描述中,必然是对Mealy型状态机的描述的是?A.always @(*) case (state) S0: begin out = 0; if (in) next_state = S1; else next_state = S2; end ……#B.always @(*) case (state) S0: begin if (in) next_state = S1; else next_state = S0; end ……#C.always @(*) case (state) S0: begin if (in) begin next_state = S1; out=1 end else next_state = S0; end ……#D.以上答案均不正确