He decided not to attend the funeral()there was a security problem. A、becauseB、because ofC、due toD、owing to

He decided not to attend the funeral()there was a security problem.


B、because of

C、due to

D、owing to


40_______A. attemptedB. managedC. wantedD. decided

None of us are invited to ( ) international Fair this year.A.attend toB.tendC.tend toD.attend

There were forty people _______ yesterday’s meeting.A、attendingB、attendedC、to attendD、attend

ASystempadministratorneedstosetthedefaultpasswordlengthforalluserstosixcharacters.Whichofthefollowingfilesneedstobeeditedtoaccomplishthis() A./etc/security/limitsB./etc/security/mkuser.sysC./etc/security/privD./etc/security/user

44______.A. BeganB.stoppedC.forgotD.decided

An American Shipowner can ______ in an American port any ship in the same ownership as the one with which he has collided,in spite of the fact that the collision may have occurred in some distant part of the world.A.attackB.attachC.attainD.attend

The university regulations require that the students?at least 90%of thelectures.A.AttendedB.to attendC.would attendD.attend

A. sad B. solemn C. happy D. funeral

He has made up his mind to give up smoking.A:tried B:attemptedC:agreed D:decided

According to Para.7,which of the following is not the way that passage suggests to improve cyber-security?( ) A.Be quick to predict and respond when there is insecurity. B.Make sure everyone is equipped with fundamental knowledge of cyber-security. C.Be cooperative with counterparts on cyber-security. D.Be cautious using Internet.