A new topic was () at the meeting yesterday. A、brought inB、takenC、called inD、broken in

A new topic was () at the meeting yesterday.

A、brought in


C、called in

D、broken in


We look forward ( ) receiving your prompt reply and ( ) you soon. A.to, meetingB.to, meetC.to, metD.on, meeting

您正在测试一个组件,该组件对Meeting 类实例进行序列化处理,以使它们能够保存到文件系统。Meeting具有如下定义:public class Meeting {private string title;public int roomNumber;public string[] invitees;public Interview(){}public Interview (string t){title = t;} }组件包含一个带有以下代码段的过程Meeting myMeeting = new Meeting(Objectives);myMeeting.roomNumber=20;string[] attendees = new string[2]{Amy, Ally};myMeeting.invitees = attendees;XmlSerializer xs = new XmlSerializer(typeof(Meeting));StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(@C:\Meeting.xml);xs.Serialize(writer, myMeeting);writer.Close();/您需要确定作为运行此过程的结果写入C:\Meeting.xml 文件的XML 块。哪个XML 块代表将写入C:\Meeting.xml 文件的内容?()A.B.C.D.


We had thought Tom wouldn’t come to our party but he arrived out of the () yesterday.

Deductive pattern of discourse ___________. A.is a pattern in which a topic is introduced at the beginning and minor or supporting arguments are presented afterwardsB.is from specific to generalC.tends to use a “comment-topic” order of presentationD.is a pattern in which the point is to think in terms of images

The weather is a constant subject of conversation in Britain.A:question B:problemC:title D:topic

The weather is a constant subiect of conversation in Britain.A:question B:problem C:title D:topic

关于Topic通信的描述,正确的选项有:A.Topic是一种异步通信机制B.一个Topic至少要有一个发布者和一个接收者C.一个Node最多只能发布一个TopicD.接受者成功收到消息后会回传给发布者确认信息。E.查看当前活跃的Topic可以通过rostopic list命令。

