______ is an official document that authoritatively determines the content and principles of teaching and learning. A.A syllabusB.A textbookC.An educational planD.A test

______ is an official document that authoritatively determines the content and principles of teaching and learning.

A.A syllabus

B.A textbook

C.An educational plan

D.A test


下面语法正确的是() A.Document.bgcolorB.Document.fgColorC.Document.locationD.Document.openE.Window.write

WAP网关根据什么判断页面上使用了WMLScript?() A.Content-IdB.Content-LocationC.Content-TypeD.Content-Disposition

Conceptual categories called notions are the______of organization, sequenced by some sense of chronology or usefulness of each notion. A.aimB.planC.basisD.principles

A) regulationsB) rulesC) disciplinesD) principles

在 Windows 系统中,设 E 盘的根目录下存在 document1文件夹,用户在该文件夹下己创建了 document2文件夹,而当前文件夹为 document1. 若用户将test.docx 文件存放 在 document2文件夹中,则该文件的绝对路径为( ) ;在程序中能正确访问该文件 且效率较高的方式为( )。A.\document1\B.E:\document1\ document2C.document2\D.E:\document2\ document1A.\document1\ test.docxB.document1\ document2\test.docxC.document2\test.docxD.E:\document1\ document2\test.docx

What kind of curriculum evaluation does the new curriculum reform advocate?A.Basing on the process, promoting the development.B.Emphasis on new ways of learning.C.Emphasis on the function of selection.D.Emphasis on students' learning.

The curriculum was too narrow and too rigid.A:hidden B:traditionalC:inflexible D:official

The English language is the result of the fusion of many different( )A.particlesB.ingredientsC.elementsD.principles

The curriculum was too narrow and too rigid.A:inflexible B:hiddenC:traditional D:official

The curriculum was too narrow and too rigid.A:hidden B:inflexible C:traditional D:official