In the early days, not all the people associated with the hard work wore jeans.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

In the early days, not all the people associated with the hard work wore jeans.()



—What do you think of the _______car?—I think it is much better than his one.A. latest, lastB. lately, lastlyC. early, latelyD. early, lastly

[ A] introduced[ B] persuaded[ C] associated[ D] stimulated

右满舵A.Hard-a-starboardB.Hard-a-portC.Starboard hardD.Full starboard

----Hard-a-port! ----Hard-a-port! __________!A.Hard-a-portB.Wheel hard-a-portC.Wheel on hard-a-portD.Yes


AfterrunningtheCONFIGURERETENTIONPOLICYTORECOVERYWINDOWOF7DAYScommand,whathasbeenaccomplished?() A.Retainthedatafilebackupfor7days.B.Runtherecoverprocessevery7days.C.Destroythephysicalbackupfilesevery7days.D.Destroythephysicalbackupfilesolderthan7days.E.Retainonebackupofeachdatafileforatleast7days.F.Keepthecataloginformationinthecontrolfilefor7days.

___________A. presented B. marked C. lit D. associated

I have ________tasks to all the departments and I hope I will get good news soon.A.assignedB.assureC.associateD.assume

A healthy life is frequently thought to be connected with the open countryside and homegrown food.A:tied B:boundC:involved D:associated

【判断题】英音里字母r在元音后时念为卷舌音, 如shared, hard, work。A.Y.是B.N.否