23. Peter reads English and Chinese _________ .A. in the morningB.in the afternoonC. in the eveningD. at noon

23. Peter reads English and Chinese _________ .

A. in the morning

B.in the afternoon

C. in the evening

D. at noon


c++,运行下面代码出错 #include iostreamusing namespace std;struct student_info{ string name; int chinese; int math; int english;};student_info student[5];void inputinfo(){ int i = 0; char a[20]; for(i = 0;i 5;i++) { cout"enter the "i+1" student's information "endl; cout"enter the name"endl; cina; student[i].name = a; cout"enter chinese performance :"endl; cinstudent[i].chinese; cout"enter math performance :"endl; cinstudent[i].math; cout"enter english performance :"endl; cinstudent[i].english; }}void outputinfo(){ int i = 0; while(i 5) { couti+1" student's information"endl; coutstudent[i].name.c_str()endl; cout"chinese "endl; coutstudent[i].chineseendl; cout"math "endl; coutstudent[i].mathendl; cout"english "endl; coutstudent[i].englishendl; i++; }}int avgfunction(int arr[],int n){ int i = 0; int total = 0; for(i = 0;i n;i++) { total += arr[i]; } return total / n;}void computavg() //这里是否正确?{ int theavg = 0; theavg = avgfunction(student[i].chinese,5); }int main(){ inputinfo(); outputinfo(); computavg(); cin.get(); return 0;} 帮我找出错误 然后改过来 择优为满意答案 不分先后

下面程序的输出结果为【】。 include main() { char a[]="morning",t; int i,j=0; for( 下面程序的输出结果为【 】。include<iostream.h>main(){char a[]="morning",t;int i,j=0;for(i=1;i<7;i++)if(a[j]<a[i])j=i;t=a[j];a[j]=a[7];a[7]=a[j];cout<<a;}


peter meets xiao wang at the supermarket and says to him: "morning, peter!" in the case, the source of information is ______. A、tabooB、Xiao WangC、PeterD、the supermarket

下面程序的运行结果是includemain(){char a[]="morning",t; int i,j=0; for(i=1;i 下面程序的运行结果是 #include<stdio.h> main() { char a[]="morning",t; int i,j=0; for(i=1;i<7;i++) if(a[j]<a[i])j=i; t=a[j]; a[j]=a[7]; a[7]=a[j]; puts[a];}A.mrgninrB.moC.moringD.morning



希望工程站点http://project-hope.cydf.edu.cn/中提供了几种语言的连接,下列不属于其中的是()。 A.Chinese(GB.B.Chinese(Big5)C.JapaneseD.English


1、Chinese: 一分耕耘,一分收获;English: No pains, no gains. What’s the translation skill used in this example of Chinese-to-English _______?A.Sentence divisionB.AffirmationC.TranspositionD.Negation