以下说法错误的是( )A.SELECT max(sal),deptno,job FROM EMP group by sal;B.SELECT max(sal),deptno,job FROM EMP group by deptno;C.SELECT max(sal),deptno,job FROM EMP;D.SELECT max(sal),deptno,job FROM EMP group by job;
以下说法错误的是( )
A.SELECT max(sal),deptno,job FROM EMP group by sal;
B.SELECT max(sal),deptno,job FROM EMP group by deptno;
C.SELECT max(sal),deptno,job FROM EMP;
D.SELECT max(sal),deptno,job FROM EMP group by job;
以下语句错误的是( )A.select sal+1 from emp;B.select sal*10,sal*deptno from emp;C.不能使用运算符号D.select sal*10,deptno*10 from emp;
Evaluate this SQL statement:SELECT ename, sal, 12* sal+100 FROM emp;The SAL column stores the monthly salary of the employee. Which change must be made to the abovesyntax to calculate the annual compensation as monthly salary plus a monthly bonus of $100, multiplied by 12? ()A. No change is required to achieve the desired results.B. SELECT ename, sal, 12* (sal+100) FROM emp;C. SELECT ename, sal, (12* sal)+100 FROM emp;D. SELECT ename, sal +100,*12 FROM emp;
Examine the structure if the EMPLOYEES table:Column name Data Type RemarksEMPLOYEE_ID NUMBER NOT NULL, Primary KeyEMP_NAME VARCHAR2(30)JOB_ID VARCHAR2(20) NOT NULLSAL NUMBERMGR_ID NUMBER References EMPLOYEE_ID columnDEPARTMENT_ID NUMBER Foreign key to DEPARTMENT_ID column of the DEPARTMENTS tableYou need to create a view called EMP_VU that allows the user to insert rows through the view. Which SQL statement, when used to create the EMP_VU view, allows the user to insert rows? ()A. CREATE VIEW emp_Vu AS SELECT employee_id, emp_name, department_id FROM employees WHERE mgr_id IN (102, 120);B. CREATE VIEW emp_Vu AS SELECT employee_id, emp_name, job_id department_id FROM employees WHERE mgr_id IN (102, 120);C. CREATE VIEW emp_Vu AS SELECT department_id, SUM(sal) TOTALSAL FROM employees WHERE mgr_id IN (102, 120) GROUP BY department_ id;D. CREATE VIEW emp_Vu AS SELECT employee_id, emp_name, job_id, DISTINCT department_id FROM employees;
Evaluate the SQL statement:1 SELECT a.emp_name, a.sal, a.dept_id, b.maxsal2 FROM employees a,3 (SELECT dept_id, MAX(sal) maxsal4. FROM employees5 GROUP BY dept_id) b6 WHERE a.dept_id = b.dept_id7 AND a. asl b. maxsal;What is the result of the statement? ()A. The statement produces an error at line 1.B. The statement produces an error at line 3.C. The statement produces an error at line 6.D. The statement returns the employee name, salary, department ID, and maximum salary earned in the department of the employee for all departments that pay less salary then the maximum salary paid in the company.E. The statement returns the employee name, salary, department ID, and maximum salary earned in the department of the employee for all employees who earn less than the maximum salary in their department.
Examine the structure of the EMPLOYEES table:EMPLOYEE_ID NUMBER NOT NULLEMP_NAME VARCHAR2(30)JOB_ID VARCHAR2(20) DEFAULT ‘SA_REP‘SAL NUMBERCOMM_PCT NUMBERMGR_ID NUMBERDEPARTMENT_ID NUMBERYou need to update the records of employees 103 and 115. The UPDATE statement you specify should update the rows with the values specified below:JOB_ID: Default value specified for this column definition.SAL: Maximum salary earned for the job ID SA_REP.COMM_PCT: Default value specified for this commission percentage column, if any. If no default value is specified for the column, the value should be NULL. DEPARTMENT_ID: Supplied by the user during run time through substitution variable.Which UPDATE statement meets the requirements?()A. UPDATE employees SET job_id = DEFAULT AND Sal = (SELECT MAX(sal) FROM employees WHERE job_id = ‘SA_REP‘) AND comm_pct = DEFAULT AND department_id = did WHERE employee _id IN (103,115);B. UPDATE employees SET job_id = DEFAULT AND Sal = MAX(sal) AND comm_pct = DEFAULT OR NULL AND department_id = did WHERE employee_id IN (103,115) AND job _ id = ‘SA_ REP‘;C. UPDATE employees SET job_id = DEFAULT, Sal = (SELECT MAX(sal) FROM employees WHERE job_id = ‘SA_REP‘), comm_pct = DEFAULT, department_id = did WHERE employee_id IN (103,115);D. UPDATE employees SET job_id = DEFAULT, Sal = MAX(sal), comm_pct = DEFAULT, department_id = did WHERE employee_id IN (103,115) AND job _ id = ‘SA_ REP‘;E. UPDATE employees SET job_id = DEFAULT, Sal = (SELECT MAX(sal) FROM employees WHERE job_id = ‘SA_REP‘) comm_pct = DEFAULT OR NULL, department_id = did WHERE employee_id IN (103,115);
emp表是雇员信息表,sal字段存放是的雇员的月薪,以下哪个变量可以存放sal类型的值() A.v_sal emp%rowtype;B.v_sal emp.sal%type;C.v_sal emp.sal.%type;D.v_sal %type(emp.sal);E.v_sal (emp.sal)%type;
以下查询语句合法的是哪三项?() A.selectempno ,sum(sal) from scott.emp group by deptnoB.select*fromscott.empC.selectsum(sal)fromscott.empgroupbydeptnoD.selectcount(empno) from scott.emp
列出薪水高于所在部门平均工资的员工信息()。A.select deptno,ename,sal from emp a where sal> (select avg(a.sal) from emp where deptno=a.deptno);B.select deptno,ename,sal from emp a where sal> (select avg(sal) from emp where deptno=a.deptno);C.select a.deptno,a.ename,a.sal from emp a,emp b where a.deptno=b.deptno and a.sal>avg(b.sal);D.select a.deptno,a.ename,a.sal from emp a,emp b where a.deptno=b.deptno and b.sal>avg(a.sal);