I _______her to give up taking the medicine but she refused.A. advisedB. suggestedC. persuadedD. hoped

I _______her to give up taking the medicine but she refused.

A. advised

B. suggested

C. persuaded

D. hoped


白菜、芹菜、油菜、菠菜等同蔬菜的关系属于A 部分与整体的关系B 个别与一般的关系C 现象与本质的关系D 形式与内容的关系

The three women were put into prison because ______.A. they broke the lawB. they buried the old womanC. they shared the old woman's moneyD. they killed the old woman

We can conclude that accidents involving cars ______.A. happened most often in New York CityB. do not happen as often as they did in the early days of the autoC. have killed many more people since Mr Bliss was killedD. were always the driver's fault

血清钾正常值( )A.1.5~4.6mmol/LB.4.1~5.6mmol/LC.135~145mmol/LD.6.7~13.5mmol/LE.98~106mmol/L

肱动脉在肘窝的摸脉点位于( )A.肱二头肌腱外侧B.肱二头肌腱内侧C.肱桡肌内侧D.肱桡肌外侧E.肱肌的内侧

术后并发肺不张的临床表现不正确的是( )A.术后早期发热B.呼吸加快C.心率增快D.听诊有局限性湿性啰音E.剧烈咳嗽